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"Amarya!" hanan exclaimed as soon as Asma walked in. She smiled and hugged her.

"See how you are glowing, ah ah amaryan Maheer." hanan teased and Asma eyed her and smiled at Hanan's mother Umma.

"Ina wuni umma." she greeted hugging her".

"Ina gajiya Amarya, ya gida,ya mijin ki(fine Amarya,how's home and your husband)" umma asked.

"Lafiya Alhamdullilah," she answered shyly .

"Masha Allah, Allah ya baku zaman lafiya, a de dinga hakuri dan rayuwan aure sai da hakuri." umma adviced. (you should always be patience because marriage life has to do with patience)

"Ameen ameen, Thank you umma." she answered and Hanan smile sitting beside her.

"Umma bakiga yanda take glowing ba, ko de nakusan zama Aunt be in fara siyayya(umma can't you see the way she's glowing, is it that I will soon be an aunt,I should start shopping)" she started and Asma hit her saying rufe mana baki(shut up).

Umma laughed saying ,"I'm going to my room."

"Sannu umma"they said and she nod her head smiling. As soon as she closed her bedroom door Hanan turned to her and grabbed her hands "update me Asma what and what happened between you two during the honeymoon," she teased smiling .

"Hanan Allah you are mad, nothing happened and besides I came here so we could go to Nafisa's house, so go get ready so we can get going," she said pushing Hanan to her room.


"Masha Allah look at her!" Asma beamed looking at Nafisa's 2 weeks old baby.

"She's angry with you, you didn't come to her naming ceremony."Nafisa said calling for the maid to bring them some refreshments.

"You very well know that I wouldn't refuse to come if I was in town." Asma said taking a selfie with the baby. She loves children and can't wait to have her own. Just thinking about giving birth to Maheer's child brought a smile to her face.

"Should I leave her with you?" Nafisa asked.

"Yes please" Asma smiled looking from the baby ilham to nafisa.

"Tahm it's done, I will go park her clothes for you when you are leaving," she said and Hanan laugh saying "sai kace dagaske"

"She's going to have a heart attack" asma said laughing and they all laugh.

They talked about everything and nothing. Nafisa told them about how hard labor is and stuff, afterwards, they ate lunch, prayed ASR and then started got ready to leave.

"Thank you for coming Allah ya bar zumunchi." Nafisa prayed hugging them both.

"It's nothing, Allah ya raya baby ilham" Asma said.

"Ameen ameen, I cant wait to see mini you" Nafisa said and they all laugh.

They bid her goodbye got into their car and left. Asma dropped Hanan off at home first before going home. She first went to her in laws house before going to hers.

Maheer was not home, so she quickly went upstairs and changed into a simple gown before going downstairs to the kitchen to cook.

Since Yasmin was coming, she decided to make Chinese rice, salad and wings.

She was halfway through with her cooking when she heard the door bell. She quickly washed her hand and then headed to the door.

Opening it, she came face to face with Yasmin and Khalifa. Yasmin was holding a mini luggage and Khalifa a basket.

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