Chapter six

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"Hello Asma am waiting for you outside" Hanan said through the phone .

"Okay,I will be out in a jiffy" she replied disconnecting the call.

She was dressed in a simple peach material and a black veil ,she picked up her handbag which was also black in color and a black loafers before sauntering downstairs.

Khalifa and three of his friends were sited in The living room playing game when she came down .

"Ina wuni Aunty Asma inmu" they greeted

"Ina gajiyan ku Fahad,Malik,sadiq,ya kuke?" she asked smiling

"Bagajiya Alhamdullilah " They answered after exchanging pleasantries she looked at khalifa who was still angry at her .

"When mammy comes  back please tell her I went to the salon with Hanan" she said .

"Okay" he simply said and she smile walking outside after Biding the boys goodbye.


"It took you ages to come out" Hanan complained as soon as Asma got in .

"But am out yanzu ko,don't disturb me with your nagging this afternoon" she said as Hanan started the car

They drove in silence as Hanan was busy talking while Asma was lost in her own thoughts,Hanan decide to keep quite .


"Aslamu alaikum" they both greeted walking into the salon.

"Waalaikum salam ,my habibties" the salon woman who is in her early thirties smiled .

"Ina wuni Aunty safiya" they greeted as she pulled them into a hug.

"Ina gajiya Doctors inmu kwana daya baku shugo ba" she said

"You know aikin namu Aunty ,we have been very busy that's why"Hanan said .

She smiled as they both sat down ,she started with Hanan because she was putting relaxer while Asma is going to stem.

They were done in an hour paid her and went to cold stone .

"Tell me exactly what's wrong with you Asma am tired of this" Hanan said looking at Asma who was trying hard not to show how worried she is.

"It's no......" she started but was cut off by her .

"Don't even start ,or I will assume am nobody to you since you can't even tell me what's going on in your life" Hanan said .

Asma kept quite looking at her for a while before speaking "am getting married" she announced her head down

"What?" Hanan exclaimed causing some people to look at them but she ignored them

"What did you just said?" she asked looking at her again.

"Am getting married Hanan,am getting married" she stated

She narrated the whole story to her a lone of tears rolling down her face ,she quickly wiped her face looking at Hanan.

"You know I can't say no to baba after everything he has done for me in my life and I have been performing  istikara since and I think it's positive" she said and Hanan looked at her totally out of words.

"They went to uncle sani's house today to set the date" she added.

Hanan stood up and sat beside her pulling her into a hug.

"Allah yasa hakan Alkhairi ne,insha Wllah everything will be okay" she said and Asma replied with ameen.

They left cold stone and went to Their friend house who got married 8 months ago .

They were four inseparable best friend ever since secondary school,the fourth one Amina is married too but resides in kaduna .

They reached there in less than 30 minutes after honking in front of the gate ,the gate man opened the gate for them because he knows them .

"Is hajiya Nafisa around" Hanan asked after exchanging pleasantries with him.

"Yes she is" he answered

"Ok thank you" they said as they drove into the house and park the car.

The house is a very beautiful simple house with two different sides because Nafisa lives with her co wife ,she's the second wife .

They ambled out of the car and walked to her side ,pressing the door bell ,the door opened and there was Nafisa a beautiful lady in her early twenties,dark in complexion with a big baby bump .

"My beautiful Doctors" she exclaimed and they both smile hugging her .

"What a wonderful surprise" she added .

"Look at how fat you grown Nafisa" Asma said as they walk in the house .

"Toh ya aka iya,my husband is over pampering me that's why"  she said and they both rolled their eyes .

"We can see that ai" hanan said

"I can't wait to see the young version of you and of course I pray the baby will look more like Mubarak than you" Hanan said .

"What do you mean ? ,wallahi you know I fine pass Mubarak Allah " she stated eyeing Hanan as Asma laugh over their little drama.

"Oh Allah how I miss Amina ,we should call her " Asma said

"Yeah we should " the girls said

"By the way where is Hauwa( Nafisa's co wife)" Asma asked ,the woman is so nice that when ever the come ,they will sit with her and gist,she will cook for them and so on .

"Wallahi you remember her five months baby Farhan ,he has been sick ever since he was born so she traveled to Dubai day before yesterday for check and found out that he's a sickler,they are there together with Mubarak but are coming back to Tomorrow insha Allah" she explained

"Allah Sarki,Allah ya bashi Lafiya" They both said and they replied with ameen.

"So where are her two kids ,safwan and Marwa" Hanan asked

"They left them with me ,yanzu haka suna school"she stated

They called Amina and gisted for a while ,she told them that she's pregnant and they all couldn't wait to welcome their besties babies,ate food and left around 5 ,Hanan dropped Asma at home first before going back home.

When she got back home baba told her that the wedding date has been set and it's two months from now.they prayed for her and she went to her room laid down on the bed ,said her dua and doze off.

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