Lost in Egypt

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Hailey arrives in Egypt after a very long flight.  She feels exhausted but excited.  Maybe she'd go see the pyramids tomorrow.  She retrieves her bags from the baggage claim and takes a cab to her hotel.

Shortly after, the cab driver pulls over saying they've reached their destination.  Hailey pays the driver and grabs her luggage exiting the cab.  She sees the cab drive off, and she looks around realizing her hotel is nowhere in sight.  She starts to panic.  She is lost in a foreign land.  What should she do?  She sets her bags aside and tries to find the hotel on her phone.

A tall, muscular man approaches Hailey and asks if he might be of assistance.  She asks where the hotel is located, and he offers to give her a ride to the hotel.  She politely declines thinking it's not a great idea for her to get into the car with a complete stranger.  She'd end up who knows where. 

All of a sudden, he bends down, scooping her up and catching her off guard.  He throws her over his shoulder and starts to walk toward his car.  Hailey kicks and screams, pounding her fists on his back and calling out for help.

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