17: Double Trouble

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"The work was lighter this week, Haden had it under his control. There wasn't much for me to do," Selene explained the reason for her unmoved location.

"What about the dealers meeting last week?" The young irritating excuse of a man questioned her.

Selene narrowed her eyes at him, "As I said, nothing happened. The dealers were upset about the lost million dollar deal, even more upset about Haden's incompetence to seize the golden Rhino."

"All thanks to you. Without your help, we couldn't have stopped them," Wyatt butted in, trying to put Selene on good terms.

"Indeed." The old man agreed, "Anything else?" He gestured to the chair before the table.

This meeting is going to take longer than she expected. She didn't want to come here in the first place, but she won't complain at a change of scenery.

Selene walked towards the table and took a seat in the chair. She opened the bottle of water placed on the table and gulped down its contents.

"I managed to send Brent to Italy, Haden doesn't have his right hand now," She said, screwing close the bottle cap.

"Good, with no second in command, he is weak. We just have to wait for him to slip up," The young man contributed to the conversation.

"You're right, Ashton. We just have to wait for the right time." The old man agreed with Ashton, making him puff his chest proudly.

Selene internally rolled her eyes. She found stupidity in the plan of waiting for Haden to slip up, which he won't. Haden is much smarter than NIA, years of working beside him she knew that. But sadly, they don't.

Selene contributed every evidence she could find from years. But the evidence gathered into a bunch of clutter. It wasn't enough, to NIA it was never enough.

"All the other stats about his business will be forwarded through the email," She said.

Her chief nodded while thinking in a distance.

Suddenly, the door of the cabin opened, making all the four heads turn and see who walked in.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm late." Shana's heels clicked on the tiled floors as she closed the door behind her and walked towards them.

"You know what to do," The old man gave a brief smile to Shana and pointed her to the small room where all the data computers are placed.

Shana nodded and gave a brief smile to Selene before making her way to the data room.

Selene always wondered why he smiles at Shana but not her but then she thought, maybe it's for the best. She doesn't get well with the chief either way. Shana on the other hand is a cheerful girl unlike her, so it's not a surprise that she gets along well with the staff.

"If that's it, I will take my leave," Selene tapped the table and stood up from her chair.

"I didn't call you today to talk about Haden," The chief officer, Mr Thindrel, stopped Selene in the middle of her way.

She turned around with a bored expression. Thindrel's 'beating around the bush' way of talking is a real pet peeve for her. She never understood why he never comes to the point first.

"What is it?" She sighed.

"It's a new project Selene, one that is directly sent by the FBI," He paused and nodded at Wyatt.

Selene walked back to the table and waited as Wyatt set up the presentation screen.

Always fancy, Selene thought.

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz