Pt. 30: Tru

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We clung to each other as we strode to the door of his office

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We clung to each other as we strode to the door of his office. He reached for the handle and pulled it open, only to  find the last person we ever expected to see on the other side. 

"Hi, Chance," she gritted through an evil smile. "Did you enjoy my surprise?"

All I could see was red when Sara grinned at Chance like he was the only person she could see. She moved toward him, hands outstretched like she wanted to touch his face. Oh hell fucking no. 

I stepped between them, swatting her hands away in a rage. "Don't fucking touch him," I spat. 

Sara laughed in a way that let me know how truly crazy she really was. "So protective! Wow. This is new," she smirked, wagging her finger between Chance and I. "Last time I saw this one, she was running away from you as fast as her chunky thighs could carry her."

Chance lunged forward, but I stood my ground and backed my body into his arms. "Why are you here?" I demanded angrily. "You don't work here anymore."

"Neither do you," she sneered. Sara returned her gaze to meet Chance's, her face softening at the sight of him. "I just wanted to be here to see the happy reunion between Chance and his father. Don't you wanna thank me for that?"

"You did this?" Chance growled from behind me with one hand squeezing my hips possessively. "I don't understand why you can't leave me the fuck alone."


The three of us swiveled our heads to the open office door, taking in the sight of Calvin Connor. His ocean blue eyes mirrored his son's and his large frame took up nearly the entire doorway. "Can I talk to you, son?" he asked when no one else dared to utter a response. 

"Everybody out!"

"Even me?" Sara sighed. "I've waited for this for so long."

"Especially you, Sara. This isn't your gym anymore and I'm done looking at your face," Chance ground out from behind me. When he reached around me to get to her, I pressed him back with one hand.

"Let me take the trash out," I told him with a knowing smirk. "Come find me when you're done."

Chance glanced at his father and then back at me before nodding. As I reached for Sara's bony arm, Chance wrapped his arm around my waist and lowered his mouth to my ear. "Thank you."

I gave Chance a quick smile before pushing Sara through the doorway. Calvin furrowed his brow as I slid past him. "I'm sorry," he groaned as he peered at Sara struggling in my arms. "She told me that she was his girlfriend and unfortunately I believed her. But now I can see you are…"

"Cami," I provided, still feeling Chance's tense body behind me. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Connor."

Sara wriggled out of my arms and was shoving her way toward the bar by the time I caught up with her. "Vodka tonic!" she demanded as I sidled up beside her.

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