Pt. 24: Hello Weekend

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I tapped on my keyboard and studied the words on the page. Everything was blurring together. I rubbed my eyes and spun around in my chair. I leaned back a little and gazed out of my office window, taking in the sights of the city. The thoughts drifted and like always, I found myself thinking about my tattooed roommate. 

Since our date at the bar had gone so well, we had been on a few more dates. He took me to lunch on Wednesday, showing up at my office and surprising me. Last night, he picked me up for dinner and we spent the whole night talking. Yes, just talking.

After I dropped the bomb on him about wanting to see other people, Chance suddenly became the guy who loves to go on dates. Who knew? While I appreciated his enthusiasm, I held steadfast to my own rule about staying out of each other's beds.

Each date we had ended with us kissing, but going to bed alone. Chance always protested, insisting that he just loved sleeping next to me and would keep his hands to himself, but I didn't give in. Our bedroom doors were as far as we went.

And I refrained from walking into the bathroom while he showered too. As much as I hated these restrictions, I had to lay down the law with him. I was already sort of bending the rules by letting him take me out, but I was enjoying seeing this side of him. He was attentive and sweet, going out of his way to spend time with me, even if it meant neither one of us was getting off.

I hated that part. Although we hadn't had sex, Chance always found a way to keep my body sated. I missed his mouth on me, even though his kisses were amazing. I missed his fingers too...fuck. This was harder than I thought it would be. 

I swung around in my office chair and stared at the screen once more. My articles were going great. It seemed that the readers were hooked on the adventures of a slightly overweight girl and the sexy, tattooed personal trainer she hired to help her get fit. My story was a slow burn that had the readers invested and the girls in the office begging for the advanced copy.

I was stuck at this point of my story and it was too late to work through it, so I began saving my work and shutting down my laptop. 

"Are you ready for the weekend?"

I glanced up to find Jared leaning against the doorframe, smiling at me. "Yep," I replied brightly. "Hello weekend, right?"

I gathered everything up and strolled over to shut my light off. Jared fell in step beside me as we wove our way through the hallway and over to the elevators. "Some of us are going out for drinks. Do you wanna go too?"

We shuffled into the crowded silver box and I sighed. "I don't know."

Jared scoffed, "Do you have some hot date? Is that why you can't come with us?" He was teasing of course. He had seen Chance popping in and whisking me off to lunch this week.

"No," I insisted. "No plans tonight."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious to get home and see Chance. He had been very busy working at the gym and overseeing the renovations at all three locations. Chance was working hard and loving his new position, working directly under Mr. Charles. He had even done a print ad for some new gym equipment that his boss couldn't wait to unveil. 

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