Chapter Eighteen

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  • Dedicated to My Silent Readers

Hey FWWLovers:D

Than you for all the votes and comments on the previous chapters! you are awesome. Period. Also, thanks for all the good luck wishes for my SAT, which by the way didn't go great, but it wasn't bad either...couldn't finish my essay in time-__- I'm just hoping for the best:) I'll let you know when my results come in!

No more chit-chat, here's what you've all been waiting for: the new UNEDITED chapter! Enjoy xD

From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Eighteen

Grabbing a flyer, which I stuffed in my back-pack, from Stacey, I headed over to my first class: English. Mrs. Barnes had been waiting for me to arrive so that she could start the lesson. She wasn't the very strict type, but she didn't appreciate tardiness. She stared me down until I apologized and sat in my seat. She started explaining about what to expect on our November exams. She kept going on and on about how important Shakespeare's sonnets were, and how we should emphasize on them most of all.

She got up from her chair, giving me a clear look of her now that she was in full view, and started writing some basic notes on the whiteboard. She was wearing a flowy, emerald-green top, with what looked like golden glitter scattered in design around the top left area. I think it was meant to be a shooting star.

I joined the rest of the students in copying her notes onto my notebook, not that I needed to. What she was writing was the basic points of any text; it's type, author's tone and attitude, ways of speech, etc. We'd been taking them ever since sixth grade on and on every single year. What's worse is that they explanation was exactly the same, which was all the more boring.

Deciding not to wait for Mrs. Barnes to write the entire thing down, I went ahead and finished it in my notebook on my own, which gave some spare time until she finished. I contemplated chatting with ReToTheBecca, but then decided not to, seeing as everyone would hear the buzzes coming from my phone, even if it was on 'Vibrate'. So, I logged onto Wattpad, went into 'My Works', and continued my poem, which I had to post already. It wasn't great, but I couldn't let Rebecca know that I feared people wouldn't enjoy it. That wasn't something NightCreeper would do.

By the time Mrs. Barnes finished writing the notes, there were five minutes remaining till the end of class, so we were hence dismissed.

As I walked outside the classroom, I saw Courtney go out and walk in the opposit direction. I was so stupid. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed her in class. I ran after her without calling her name, fearing that she'd run away once she heard my voice.

Slowly getting closer, I grabbed her by the hand, which made her shriek. She was usually the quite kind, but her shriek was annoyingly loud.

"James," she panted. "What the hell?"

"You won't talk to me," I said bluntly. I didn't want to stall it, so I directly opened the subject.

"But I am talking to you," she said, gulping.

"No you aren't, not since you told me about Friday. Why?"

"It's nothing, I'm not acting differently!"

"Did something else happen on Friday? Between us?" I asked, starting to get alarmed. It was the only logical explanation for the way she was acting.

"What? No! I told you everything that happened on Friday, or rather everything that didn't happen."

"Then what is it?" I urged her.

"I told you it's nothing!" she yelled, then walked away from me. It was obvious she didn't want to talk to me. I was categorically sure that she was hiding something. The more I thought about it, the more I believed what she said about Friday, or maybe that's what I wanted to believe. I mean, the girl's upset with me, I must have done something. Women...

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