Chapter Four

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Thanks so much for all the support you've given this story! It means the world xD

I hope you enjoy this UNEDITED installment! Remember to comment and vote:)

From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Four

"G-Grace?," I stammered. Was it the same Grace Jessy was talking about?

"Yeah. You've heard of me, cutie?" she said, a sinister smile on her burning, red lips.

I swallowed hard. "No, not really."

"Well maybe we should get to know each other," she whispered in my ear. The feeling of her breath on my ear made me sweat.

"Keep quiet back there," ordered Mr. S, pointing in my direction.

"I'm taken," I told her.

"Word around here is that's not a problem with you," she winked.

"It is this time."

"Not for me," she smirked.

It was unusual for me to be this uncomfortable around girls. However, this girl could be the one Jessy was talking about, and you don't mess with a bro's girl: Bro Code 101.

After class, I went to the cafeteria for lunch. Rebecca was already sitting alone at our table. She was eating her lunch, whilst checking her phone repetatively. I saw Jessy standing in the very front of the lunch line, facing the lunch lady, Agnis, a bitter old lady who has worked here for the past thirty years yet still fails to remember to put a hair-net on.

"Hey Rebecca," I greeted as I took a seat at our table.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I wanted to ask you something," I said, urgently.

"What is it?" she raised her eyebrows.

"What does Grace look like?" I asked.

"Um tall, blonde, really pale, white skin. Why are you asking?"

My heart sank. It WAS the same Grace Jessy was talking about!

"I think she just hit on me."

"What? When?" she asked.

"Just now. During Economics class," I said.

"James, don't you dare flirt with her!" ordered Rebecca, in her rarely heard chastising tone. "She's Jessy's!"

"I know that. I didn't flirt back! I tried to be as cold as I could."

Just then, Jessy joined us at the table. So, we changed the subject.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Hi," Rebecca and I both retorted.

"So, Rebecca, did you get a chance to talk to Grace?" asked Jessy, hopefully. Rebecca and I exchanged an awkward look.

"No, not yet, Jess. We have Chem lab together during fifth period. I'll talk to her then!" reassured Rebecca, smiling.

"Hey," came a sudden voice from behind us.

To my utter dreading, I recognized the sexy voice. We all turned around to see Grace standing behind us.

"Hey Grace," said Rebecca, nervously.

Grace smiled. "I just wanted to tell you that they've switched the four and fifth period. So, we have chem lab now. Hi James," she winked, completely ignoring Jessy.

From Wattpad With Love{Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin