Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Salutations FWWLovers:D

Thank you for all the votes and comments! I really appreciate your support!! xD

Sorry for the late update and all...last week of school, graduation, ya know...xD

I won't be long, just remember to vote and comment!

Enjoy this new UNEDITED chapter!:)

From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Twenty-Nine

This spelled trouble. Ever since I could remember, I hated this game. Whether truth or dare, the outcome would always be horrible.

"Define extremes," said Amber, squinting her eyes, fearful of the inevitable answer that was to come.

"Extremes, meaning no limits. No nudity, of course," clarified Grace, to us boys' disappointment. "I threw a party like this before I moved. It was my goodbye party. We played it to full extremities. The cops had to shut us down. So, I bring you a more restrained version."

"How exactly does this game work?" asked Max, exchanging looks with his sister Amber from time to time. I found it weird that Amber, Max, CJ, and even Kylie were with us. Nothing against them, but I thought it was odd to spend Christmas Eve with people you didn't know. Nontheless, I tried not to judge. After all, I, too, was a stranger to them.

"Cops? That was your party?!" exclaimed Molly. "That was the party of the year!"

"People, calm it down! I had some not-so-very-nice friends and things got out of hand. Whatever. Let's not dwell in the past. It's miserable and unwanted," said Grace, chugging down her drink in one go. It went without saying that she meant her mom.

"You didn't answer Max's question, Grace. How does the game go?" asked Rebecca.

"I'll explain," said Courtney, getting up and standing in the middle of the room to see us all. "The game is your usual Truth or Dare, but with a twist, besides the extremes thing, that is. Everytime a person is unable to complete a Dare or refrains from answering a Truth, he or she has to do a shot. If you do three shots, you're oblidged to answer a Truth asked by the person sitting to your right."

I had to admit, it sounded like quite a fun watch. I was in no position to play it. I couldn't just pick Dare all the time...

One thing was for sure. If I played my cards right, this could end brilliantly for me. Either that, or tonight was the night I, as NightCreeper, would be exposed.

"Let the games begin," winked Jessy, smiling devilishly.

We took turns drinking the champange bottle until it was dropless. Amber set it right in the center, gave away an excited, but nervous, smile, then spun the bottle.

It was horrible. The bottle kept spinning endlessly, and with every spin, I felt time going slower. And I had to endure this all night?!

It finally stopped on Max and Kylie, the latter giving the prompt.

I took a deep breath. I wasn't worried much about Rebecca. I stuck by her side until we sat down so that there was no way she'd be seated opposite me. I'd succeeded, but my plans were ruined when Courtney changed her place and sat down next to Rebecca, and even more so when David showed up and took a seat next to his girlfriend, leaving me sitting between Grace and David, with Amber sitting opposite me.

Kylie smiled wickedly. Everyone could just tell she had something crazy planned.

"Truth or dare, Webster?" asked Kylie. Webster was probably Max and Amber's last name. In that moment I noticed for the first time that Kylie had a thing for last names.

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