Chapter Fourteen

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Great news! I just finished my other story. So, go check it out!! You won't regret it! Click the 'External Link' to find it;)

Now for FWWL, enjoy this brand new UNEDITED chapter! Comment and vote!

From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Fourteen

The events of the previous day had been on my mind all morning. Rebecca and I almost kissed. Well, I leaned in, but she didn't back away. So, that's an accomplishment. What did it mean, though? Was it just because of what she'd gone through, or was she starting to develop feelings for me? How I hoped it was the latter.

"So, was the damage that bad?" Jessy's voice snapped me back into reality. He was driving us to school.

"Only to the surrounding buildings...the rest of the neighbourhood seemed fine," I answered.

"Good, so no extensive damage," he said, letting out a breath of relief.

"People died, Jess," I snapped at him. My anxiety was getting the better of me. I knew he meant that he was glad the damage wasn't severely wide-spread, but I was so confused by Rebecca's behaviour, that I lost my temper.

"What? I know that, I meant that I'm glad th-"

"I know," I cut him off. "I'm sorry for saying that. I'm just mad about something," I admitted.

"Rebecca?" he asked. Ever since we were young, he'd always known what I was thinking.

"No," I lied, knowing he hadn't didn't believe me. "So, how are things with Grace?" I asked, averting the subject.

"Pretty good, but it's weird sometimes, especially lately," he said, realising I didn't want to talk about Rebecca.

"Any reason in particular?" I asked stupidly. I had to know whether her behaviour around Jessy had changed or not. She was decent enough to feel guilty around him if she was the one whom I slept with.

"Not really. We've just been having these silent moments. When we're alone, hanging out, or on a date, it's awesome. It's like we don't care about anyone around us except each other. But, then, when we're in school, it's awkward. It's like she quiets down when there are people she knows around us. You don't think she's ashamed to be around me do you?" he asked, sounding worried at the possibility of truth in what he was saying.

"What? No! Don't be stupid! Anyone would be lucky to have you, bro!" I assured him. "You just haven't connected yet," I said, making air-quotations at the word 'connected'. "Once you are, it'll be like you're on a date all the time, or so I've been told..." I trailed off.

He nodded, then turned left at the nearest detour, finally reaching school. I stepped out of the red Golf, then grabbed my backpack by the sash, and flipped it over right shoulder. Jessy locked his car, and walked around to see Grace waving at him from the green grounds.

"Go ahead," I told him, smiling.

"Thanks, I need to 'connect' with her," he imitated me. "I'll be back during break so that you can tell me what happened at Grace's place!" he said, walking away.

The last thing I saw was him giving Grace a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I turned around and saw Courtney's familiar face walking through the main entrance. She had her hair tied up in a tight ponytail, and was wearing a white button down shirt, with brown pants to match her hair.

"So hot," I whispered to myself before approaching her.

"Hey you," she greeted happily. I loved how perky she was in the morning, as opposed to most people.

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