Chapter Twenty-Two

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Hey guys!

I hope you're doing good!:)

Thank you the support you've given this story so far! Almost 50000 reads, over 2000 votes and over 2000 comments. A simple thanks is so not enough!

I hope you like this new chapter!

The day I actually edit these will be a miracle so let's keep our fingers crossed;) Enjoy xD

From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Twenty-Two

"James, this is going to be so fun!" exclaimed Rebecca.

I put her free hand back on the sterring wheel. I'd made a deal with her that she could drive my car home everyday for a week. She wasn't the best driver and needed all the practice she could get!

"Yeh. Fun. Right."

"What? Come on! I'm positive we can win those gift cards!"

"One can only hope," I plastered a fake smile.

What was I thinking?! I didn't want to do it myself, let alone let Rebecca do it. Although, in full honesty, I wouldn't mind kissing a few girls. The carnival was for charity after all...

"Thanks for letting me drive! How was I?" said Rebecaa after succesfully making the worst U-turn in history.

"Great," I fake smiled again, my voice cliched in high pitch.

"That bad?" she sighed disappointed in frustration.

"Good thing there are four more days of driving left. Don't worry! It wasn't THAT bad. It was okay until that last turn. The kid on the tricycle making a circle around us was an obvious clue, but..." I didn't continue now that she'd punched my arm for seventh time.

"See you tomorrow, jerk!" she said, slamming the car door shut.

"Toodles," I waved my fingers at her mockingly.

She smiled and waved bck, before turning around and jogging up the five steps of her appartment.

When I finally got home, I was greeted by my worried mother.

"Where have you been?!" she demanded angrily.

I realized I'd completely forgotten to tell her about my deal with Rebecca and that I'd be arriving home a little late this week.

"I was with Rebecca," I replied, which was probably not the best place to end my sentence.

"Doing what?" she questionned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Driving. I'm teaching her how to drive this week. She's taking her driver's test this weekend. Again."

"Oh," she said like that wasn't the answer she was expecting. "Well heaven knows that girl needs all the driving lessons she can get."

I laughed at the insulting -but completely true- remark my mom made about Rebecca, then apologized for forgetting to inform her beforehand, and went to the bathroom to wash my hands for lunch.

I sa down at the table, where fries and burgers awaited to be devoured by a hungry me. The fatty, delicious-looking meat emitted smell that made me feel like I hadn't eaten in days. Opening a can of Soda, I began filling my empty stomach.

"So how was school?" asked my mom, who took the smallest bite of a burger I'd ever seen her take.

"The usual. Sprimmer's getting replaced. He retired."

"By that Chesterfield lady? I met her at your PTA meeting. She was awful."

"Fortunaly, no. They're bringing in someone new," I said in a muffled voice due to the mouthful of fries I'd just engulfed.

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