Chapter Ten

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Hey everyone!

Not going to apologize about slow updates anymore cause that's going to change. It's my senior year plis the Watty Awards deadline is on the way so I have to finish this as soon as I can! And it's looking like it's going to be quite the long book so..yeh.

No more chit-chat, here's the new UNEDITED chapter, which I hope you'll enjoy!

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From Wattpad With Love

Chapter Ten

Friday came sooner than I had expected. The events of Wednesday evening were still wandering my mind. That prick Alan was lying to us the entire time. I tried to tell my mom about it at one point, but I couldn't get it out. I figured I'd expose him, instead. I mean, why should I be the bad guy?

The fact that she was so happy about her date with him wasn't helping either. I hadn't seen her this happy since my dad was around, which is why I tried my best to give him the benefit of my doubt. However, that didn't last long. It was obvious he was a cheater. He mentioned that he had never been married. So, it couldn't be a child. And no one talks to their mother the way he was talking. So, it couldn't be his mother, or any other family member for that matter. No, this was something romantic, and I wasn't about to stand back and let him hurt her. I had to get to the bottom of things. I had to find out!

Having had a class field trip without Rebecca and Jessy yesterday, I didn't see them, therby, I wasn't able to tell them what happened. However, I was going to see them today, and tell them everything in detail.

Having arrived late, I had to endure the school supervisor, Mr. Brunner's, endless chastising and lecture about the importance of punctuality. That man desperately needed a date or something!

After that I had to rush to my first class, for which I was now also late. It wasn't until after Soccer practice that I saw Rebecca and Jessy. They were both walking in different directions of the same hallway.

"Guys!" I yelled across the hall. A few heads turned my way, probably wondering what I wanted.

"Jess!" I repeated, having not had any success the first time.

He turned and smiled when he saw me, then elbowed his way through the crowds, reaching me.

"I have something to tell you about, but I want to tell the two of you."

Jessy nodded, then joined me as we brushed elbows against eachother, pushing people out of the way until we finally reached Rebecca, who had her head deep in her locker, looking for a book.

"Hey James! Where have you been?" she asked, closing her locker.

"Brunner was on my case about being late, which made me even more late. So, I missed you guys in the morning," I shrugged. "Come on, we have History together. I need to tell you about what happened last night."

"Let me stop you there. Dude, we're off History this week. Mr. Sprimmer's in the hospital, remember?" said Jessy.

"Right. Then, we're free for a period, aren't we?" I asked, lokking at them both. They nodded.

"Let's go outside, then. It's a beautiful day!" said Rebecca.

We all agreed, and followed her outside to the grounds. We sat in the same spot where I'd sat after my History test the other day.

The grass was as green as ever. There was a comfortable breeze only a few students from our class seemed to enjoy. The rest were probably inside, catching up on some homework or something.

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