~Chapter 9~

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*Jeremy's P.O.V.*
We finally reached Mike's house after a a car trip that seemed like forever. Vincent gets out and opens the door for me even though he doesn't have to. "T-Thank you...again." He closes the door smiling. "No problem. So have you thought about hanging out with me?" I had completely forgot about his question I looked down at the ground embarrassed. "I think that's his polite way of saying 'No' to you" I looked over at the source of the irked voice who pulled his keys out and opened the door. "And what makes you say that?" He grinned at him like usual other than smirk, smile, frown, or pout. they argued the entire time ever since we got out the car they were like an old married couple. I laughed inside my head trying not to be rude. I looked over at Scott who was very quiet and had no expression on his face like he was...thinking about something. I wondered what it was. we all walked inside. Mike and Vincent continued to argue.....like my parents did before she left us. Leaving me with him. With that excuse of a man that made everyday of my day a living hell since that day. I knocked the thoughts out of my head. I sat next to Scott on the couch as they stayed on their legs. "S-Scott? You o-okay? You seem sad." He sighed sitting up straight. "Its...Its nothing..just thinking." I got more curious but didn't want to push him. "W-What are y-you thinking, i-if you d-don't m-mind m-me asking." "W-Well, t-there's someone I l-like but I don't know if he likes me back." I kinda got carried away. "Really? Who's the lucky person?" He looked up at Vincent and blush appeared on his face. I oohed like a five year old. "S-Shut up. But can you not tell anyone, especially him?" I smiled giving him a pinky promise to assure him the safety of his "little" secret "I wont. I promise." he actually and finally smiled. He looked better with it. Why does that sound familiar to me? "Thanks friend, you don't know how much of a relief that is." Friend? "F-Friends? We're friends?" He nodded patting me on the back. "Yea. Is there something wrong?" I rapidly shook my head. "N-No not at all." He grinned when I told him Mike was my first friend. "W-What?" "Nothing. Lover boy." I blushed at his comment. He thinks I'm in love with Mike. I blushed even more thinking about it. "Whatever, Vincent lover." I chuckled as Scott blushed as well he out his finger to his mouth, embarrassed. "SSSSSSSHHHHHHSSHH! Don't say that so loud they'll hear you." "Don't worry they won't. But he's gonna find out eventually." He looked down sheepishly like how I do sometimes. "I-I hope so....I don't have the confidence to tell him yet." Hmmmmm lets see how we ca help with that~ I'm being so terrible right now. "Hey Vincent! Scott has something he wants to tell yo-" Scott covered my mouth with his hand blushing like crazy with a finger up to his lips. "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH! N-No I-I don't! J-Jeremy!" I was feeling guilty and bad about it. I guess I would be upset if someone told Mike about my crush. Wait! I-I don't have a crush on h-him...I-I think. "I-I'm sorry a-about that. I-I guess I w-was trying to help. Guess I-I d-didn't help that much." "It's alright just don't do it again. Or else I'll tell Mike about your crush on him." I looked at him. H-He was grinning. "Y-You wouldn't d-dare." "Oh I dare~ It's getting late we should probably head out, give you two your privacy. hehehe~" He got up and told Vincent it was time they took their leave. "Fine." I couldn't resist oohing as they stood next to each other making Scott blush again. We all waved and said our goodbye's. "What were you guys whispering about?" Mike asked puzzled shuffling into the back to change then came back out. I put my finger on my lips. "Can't say I promised Scott." He smiled patting me on the head. I blushed walking to the back to change into night clothes. I was hugged by Mike as I came out the room. "M-Mike?" It was awkward being hugged all of a sudden, but, I felt......safe. It was nice. "I have something to tell you it's very important." "Y-Yes?" I was panicking. Was it something bad? "I love you, Jeremy."

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