~Chapter 34~

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-Hope you don't mind I skip night 3. NIGHT 4 ARISE!!-
Vincent's P.O.V.
I woke up early this morning feeling a small burning sizzle inside. I removed the blanket from over me when, "Hey." a voice cooed beside me. It was Scott.
I threw the cover over his face and jumped out of bed. "H-How did you get into my room? I locked the door!" He grinned a crooked grin at me then pulled out a sharp kitchen knife.

"Oh don't worry about that. Now, come here, brother.~" He stood from the bed and dramatically walked over, towering over me.

"Brother? What are you-"

Then I saw it.

Those eyes.....it can't be!

He held the the metal weapon up to my neck and laughed down at me, staring into my eyes with a look of evil.

"Don't tell me you don't remember your own brother. That's too bad because soon, no one will remember you."

His skin glitched, his hair turned purple and changed shape, his eyes bloodshot red, and gave a smile so murderous it could kill.

If looks could kill.

This can't be happening! I thought he was gone forever!

"Well you thought wrong, Vincent~"

That voice..the changing..the purple..it really is him.

He moved the knife from my neck to my stomach, piercing it into my abdomen and drawing blood from it.
The knife stabbed me again and again and again, pain so bad, it was like a kick in the face by a raged bull.

I fell to my knees holding onto my stomach trying to get enough energy to stand again."W..Why..are yo-"

"Because now I'm awoken, and I'm taking control. And I am making sure I destroy the lives of you and the ones you care for. Goodbye, brother."

Before I got the chance to talk, he stabbed me again which turned out to be the final blow before I blacked out.
{Dream(Nightmare) Ends}
I shot up from from my sleeping position covered in cold sweat and breathing heavily. 'That was some dream, more like a nightmare.' Looking beside me I saw Scott laying in the fetal position until he woke up and started rubbing his eyes. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.
"Scott, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Yea I'm fine. What's wrong? And please don't move me around I have a bad headache." I let go of him and let out a sigh of relief knowing he was fine then got out the bed to dress when I realized something. "Wait, how did you get into my room?" My voice wavered a bit, but not enough for him to notice. He patted the covering of the bed until he found the screwdriver he used to pick the lock. "That's creepy."

"Hey, I learned it from you." Scott chuckled as he got up from the bed revealing his tall structure covered with grey boxers and a white t-shirt. Man, he's gotten tall. "What?" I looked up at his almost man-like face. I had been staring for 'I don't know how long. "Huh?" He smirked down at me then ruffled my hair before leaving my room. "Nothin', shorty." I glared at the doorway, knowing he was laughing to himself already.
I still have to keep my guard up who knows when he'll do something.
(???'s P.O.V.)
Hmm, what to do..I could push some old ladies into traffic for fun. Nah, did that last week. How about I burn a building? Can't, did that yesterday. Man, I'm bored there's nothing to do!
Wait, I've got just the thing to cure this boredom.

Time to visit my little brother.~
I snapped my fingers and instantly teleported into his house. You'd be surprised of all the things I can do knowing I'm still human.
I never wanted to be evil, but it was the fate given to me after what happened years ago. I hope they're burning in hell right now. Ah, oh well, no need to dawdle on the past, we have more important things here in the present.
Now, where's Vincent and who is this little cutie making coffee?

I'll Stay Through It AllOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora