~Chapter 2~

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Jeremy's P.O.V.

I walked up to the old building that brought me so many good memories while looking around. There was a man in uniform and hat with earbuds in his ears. Must be listening to music on his break or something.

The smell of fresh cheese pizza tickled my nose as I entered the building. It smells so good. Children of different ages ran around playing and screaming while others sat and ate with friends. Aw, there's a little girl sitting in the corner all by herself.

"Hello there," A short stubby man in a yellow suit greeted me at the counter.
"What brings ya here son?"

I cleared my voice then tried my best to speak normally while holding the flyer up. "I-I c-came about the n-night shift job."

"Oh yea, alright. I'm just gonna ask you a few questions. First, what's your name?"


"Do you have any work experience?"

"I-I uh used to work at a McDonalds and Dairy Queen."

"Okay last question. What size do you wear?"

"M-Men's medium."

He picked something out from behind the counter then handed me a uniform and a hat that said 'Night Watch'.

"Well you've got the job, kid. Be here by 11:40." I widened my eyes, looking up at him. "R-R-Really? Y-You m-mean it?" I could feel my lips turn into a smile. "Yup. And remember by 11:40, okay?"

I agreed to the terms then walked out the door. I checked my watch to see it was 10:53. Well I might as well go ahead and change into my uniform. I didn't know where I was going to change so I walked home and to my surprise, dad wasn't home.

I walked into the house since he always leaves it unlock for some reason. Walking into the bathroom I changed into my uniform and put my other pair of clothes into my duffel bag.

Since I'm hear I should grab some other things. I went into my room and stuffed my messenger bag in since it wasn't that big and my other belongings inside.
I checked my watch again. It was 10:52. I better hurry. He'll be home soon.
Short, sorry. ;^;

I'll Stay Through It AllOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora