~Chapter 1~

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*No P.O.V.*

Jeremy scrambled to grab the chair by his desk and prop it under the doorknob as his drunken father banged on the door shouting profanity at his son whom still lived with him.

"OPEN THIS FUCKIN' DOOR YOU LITTLE PEICE OF SHIT!!" He banged even harder on the weak door making it fly open. Walking over to him, Richard picked him up by the neck and threw Jeremy against the cement wall.

Jeremy was used to this kind of abuse from his father so he sat there and let it happen knowing the less he struggled, the sooner he would stop.

Richard trudged over to him, gripped his little neck again, then punched  the manboy as hard as he could in the face. Jeremy gave out a weak yelp, tears and blood running down his bruised cheek, mixing together.

"Don't fuckin' cry! I barely even touched you, ya damn pussy!" He threw another punch aiming for his nose and lip, but it landed on his eye leaving a black circle under his eye with a small cut.

-Time Skip- ;^;

Jeremy's bastard of a father walked away from him and slammed the door shut, leaving him to cry in the corner of his crumbling room beaten, bruised, and broken.

"W-Why d-did y-y-you have t-to le-ave m-mom?" He whispered under his breath, trembling and shaking with his head hung low. Jeremy did his best to stand and limp to the bathroom quietly not wanting to awake his father.

He opened the cabinet to search for the First Aid Kit that his in the back of the lower cabinets. After finding the little whit box, Jeremy looked up in the mirror to examine his face and spot the bruises. One, under his eye, two on his forehead, and tiny splotches of his own blood under his black eye.

He reached up and touch the little cut and wince once his finger made contact with the little opening. First, he washed the little blood dots off his skin. Next he grabbed the exact make-up container that held the same skin tone as his and applied it to the two darker spots on his forehead.

Then, he dabbed it around his eye to his the dark ring around his left eyeball, ever so carefully putting some of the powder around the cut as best as he could.

After that he picked out one of the small circular bandages then placed it under his eyelashes.

The young man checked over his facial appearance to make sure he didn't look too messed up then brushed his brown poofy bangs over his eyes and fixed up the rest so his head wouldn't look like a tornado victim.

He quietly walked into the living room after putting on his green sweater, the one his mother gave him before she left from the divorce where his father won custody over him and the house, but she won the money and his old puppy, Heather.

His father passed out on the couch snoring like a pig while holding an empty beer bottle in his hand.
All the pent-up anger, sorrow, and fear made him furious. That's when he made his risky decision. He was gonna run away from this hell hole.


Jeremy's P.O.V.

I walked over to my slumbering father carefully grabbing his wallet off the table and opened it. There was 400 dollars in it. I stuffed the money in my pocket and placed it back on the coffee table where he left it.
Before I opened the door, I glanced over my shoulder to make sure dad was still sleeping like the big fat piggy he was.

He was which made me sigh in relief. I quietly closed it behind me to be greeted with a cold force of wind to the face, blowing my bangs around. I shivered like a chihuahua from the non surprising weather, we are in the middle of November.
As I walked down the sidewalk half way to the park, I stopped dead in my tracks. Where am I gonna go? I have no friends and no family. I have no where to go.

I stood there in silence ignoring the wind blowing onto my face when a little paper blew around in the winter breeze until it landed a few meters away from my feet. I paced over and picked it up and read it.

Freddy FazBear Pizzeria
-Looking for a new nightgaurd
•Pays 120.30 for each week completed
•Hours- Day Shift: 6:00 - 11:40
Night shift: 11:40 - 6:00
We hope you will be joining our FazBear family along with
Freddy the bear, Bonnie the bunny, Chica the chicken, and Foxy the pirate fox.

Freddy FazBear? I remember that place. I would go there a lot as a child.
I get to work at the restaurant from my childhood; that is if I get the job of course.

And I knew exactly where it was located.

I'll Stay Through It Allحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن