"Well yes." Amelia says, her cheeks a bright shade of pink. "It's rare for us to go anyway so we thought we would try to look nice for you."

"Do you like them?" Cassandra asks me and I almost want to laugh. Not because the dresses are ugly or anything, they are not, but because they would go through all this trouble just to impress me.

"Yes but you don't have to dress up for me and you definitely don't have to wear matching clothes all the time." I move closer to Nikolina and remove her tag with my teeth. "And always remove the price tag."

"Ohh. Maybe we can go together sometime." Amelia says. "We are not really good at picking out clothes." She admits.

"Yes we are." Cassandra protests her sister. "It's just difficult to be around people."

It takes me a moment to realize what she's talking about. People are not exactly nice to them even when it's only in their minds. I remember the first time I met them and how I was instantly informed of their famous nickname, the Rosemont Weirdos. Now I know what a curse and a blessing this mind reading thing can be.

"Are you feeling better?" Nikolina asks me, pulling me from my thoughts.

I look at her, wondering exactly what she's referring to. It takes me a second to read her mind and figure out she's talking about my earlier incident, the one where everyone's thoughts were invading my mind and giving me headaches.

"Yes." Its the first time I'm actually thinking of it really. So much has happened today that I had forgotten about the whole thing ever happening. "They aren't as loud anymore. It's still a little annoying but I can handle it now."

"You handled it better than Nikolina actually. Remember when we first moved to Las Angeles." Cassandra starts to laugh. "Amelia would not let her leave the house."


"Nikolina was sensitive and unlike you she would have exposed us." Amelia explains.

"When did you live in California?" I ask, wanting to know as much as possible about them.

"1985." Amelia says like it's no big at all. Well I guess to them it's not really a big deal. To me, however, it's still quite surreal that they could look so young whilest they are very old. "It was Cassandra's turn to pick our next destination and she chose California."

"I wanted to live somewhere sunny." Cassandra shrugs playfully.

"So you never get old?" I already know this but I need to hear them say it out late.

"No. Our magic keeps us from aging. We stopped aging long ago."

"I don't think remember a time before we were like this." Cassandra says, laughing lightly.

But it's hard for me to find this situation amusing as it's highly likely that I may suffer the same fate.

"What about me?" I ask quietly. "Will I stop aging?" I'm afraid of the answer but I need to know if there's a possibility that I might stop growing older.

"There's a possibility." Nikolina answers me.

Oh no! I don't want to be stuck like this. What will my family say? What will Sky think? He would age without me and then eventually die whilst I'm still a teenager.

Amelia reaches out to squeeze my hand. "Hey calm down." She says softly. "We don't know if you will actually stop aging or not. No need to jump to conclusions." She adds and looks at Nikolina.

I don't say anything because my mind is still processing the fact that I lose Sky, not because he would stop loving me, but because my body was against the laws of biology which makes sure everyone ages. Well everyone normal that is.

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