Chapter 4: Meet the Crew

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The girl took off her helmet, and revealed a tan face, about that same shade as Ezra's. Unlike Ezra, my skin is a shade darker than white. I always just said I was half albino.

She had dark hair, and the ends were dyed blonde. She turned to the guy.

"Kanan, what do we do? We just practically kidnapped two kids off Lothal."

"Sabine, it was either rescue them, or let the Empire get their hands on them."

"I know, but what if they're missed?"

"We won't be," I cut in. I wiped the tears off my face, and stood up. "Now, who are you guys?"

"I'm Sabine." The girl said, and held out her right hand.

I shook her hand. "Name's Shadow."

Sabine gestured to the guy standing next to her. "This is Kanan. That lasat was Zeb." I nodded my head to Kanan.

"So what can I do to get Ezra and I out of here?"

Sabine and Kanan looked at each other.

"We can't just let you go right away." Kanan put a hand on my shoulder.

I pushed his hand off my shoulder.

"Well why not?!" The lights were flickering again.

"Would you rather be prisoner to the Empire? You'd be that or dead if we had not picked you two up." Sabine put her hand on her hip.

I turned away, and Kanan walked out the room.

"Come on, Shadow." Sabine walked down the hall towards the cockpit, and put her helmet on. I followed her, hearing thumps above my head.

I dodged out of the way of Zeb as he went dashing down the hall. He opened the door to the cockpit, and at the wheel was a green skinned twi'lek.

"Kanan, we lost the kid!" Kanan, who was talking to the twi'lek turned to Zeb.

"He can't have gotten off the ship."

Thumping came from above our heads, and we all looked up.

"Oh, he's in the ship alright." Sabine confirmed.

One of the air vents opened, and Ezra fell out.

Everyone was looking at him, and he turned bright red. I slapped my hand to my forehead. He was always the master of escape.

"We're almost there." The twi'lek turned in her chair. She gestured to me. You stick with me. The rest of you go deliver.

Everyone walked out, as well as Ezra. Once the door closed, the twi'lek turned to me.

"So you're Shadow right?" I nodded. "I'm Hera. I'm basically crew leader."

"Nice to meet you, Hera," we shook hands. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything." She looked trustworthy, and I really needed to get something off my chest.

"Do you know anything about these?" I pulled out a gray sphere, about a foot long.

Hera gasped. "T-that's a lightsaber."

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