Chapter 7: My Painting

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A/N: Sorry that the chapters have been so short, I'm going to be making them longer for you guys so that you will have more to read when I update :) and I will work on updating every week or so, if school does not interfere with my updates. May the Force be with you.

I was perched on the top bunk of Sabine's bed, my legs swinging back and forth. She had offered me to sleep on the top bunk of the bed, so that I could sleep somewhere while Ezra and I were on the Ghost.

I was watching Sabine spray paint on the wall by the door. She was painting a rebel symbol dark red and black, two colors that I like.

"All done!" She stepped back, and I could see the masterpiece that she had done.

"Wow..." I didn't know what all to say. It was a black rebel symbol, that she had gone over with a dark metallic red.

"You like it?"

"I love it Sabine! Where did you learn to do this?"

"Self taught. I can teach you too, if you want."


I put down the green spray paint, and picked up a white colored paint. I detailed the edges of my painting, and I stepped back from my masterpiece, colored with shades of grey, black, green, and white.

I had painted my lightsaber on the wall of Sabine's bedroom, the blade looked too real to me. I was almost scared that it was about to come off of the wall.

"Shadow, how's it going? You have been in here for almost two hours." Sabine poked her head in the room to check on me, and this was about the fourth time.

"Just finished, want to see it?" I stepped aside, and gestured to the wall holding my painting.

"Wow, that is very good. It looks so real," She reached out, as if to touch it, but stopped. "We are on the ground. We have tracked the wookies to Kessel for slavery." I shook my head. The Empire were sick people. Slave labor on Kessel is a death sentence for any wookie.

"Let's go, then." I stretched my stiff muscles, and picked up my blaster from the top bunk, and put it in its holster.

I followed Sabine to the outside of the ship, and the ramp closed. I guessed that Hera was taking the ship somewhere else.

We spotted Kanan, Ezra, Chopper, and Zeb hunched behind a stack of crates, where we joined them.

A ship landed not too far from where we were, and the wookies exited, along with a bunch of bucket heads. My hand went down to my lightsaber, hidden by my shirt. It was clipped on my belt, on the left side, my blaster was on the right.

I hadn't realised that we had opened fire until I had snapped out of my daze. I pulled my blaster out, and fired at the bucket heads from the left side of the crates, ducking back behind. Kanan shouted something over the blaster fire to Ezra, I didn't hear what he had said, but the Force told me.

The idiot was about to- Oh no.

"Kanan!" I shouted, but he didn't hear me.

Shadow, you know what I'm doing, right? Telepathy, of course. I had learned how to use telepathy from master Kenobi.

Of course I know, Kanan. It's not a great idea.

Isn't that why you like it?

I stood up from my crouch, and Kanan did the same. Bullets whizzed past my head, and I ducked my head out of the way of a few. I climbed over the crates, mirroring Kanans movements out of the corner of my eye.

I pulled out my lightsaber, and I stood two feet from Kanan on his left. We both ignited our lightsabers at the same time.

The stormtroopers had long stopped shooting at us, probably wondering what the hell we were doing. The ISB Agent that was ordering the troopers was the next to speak.

"Focus all fire on the- On the Jedi."

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