Chapter 3: Aboard the Ship

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I didn't remember blacking out, but when I opened my eyes, I heard a loud buzzing noise.  Ezra was running to a ship with the crate, and I jumped up. He called me once he was up safely, and I got up, and ran to the ship, which was gaining speed.

I felt something inside me shift, and I ran faster than I have ever, and I jumped up, and my gloved hands loosely held onto the ramp. Two hands grabbed my wrists, and pulled me up. the hands belonged to the girl in Mandolorian armor. After she pulled me safely into the ship, the ramp closed.

Someone pushed me into a crate, right next to my brother.

"Who are you people?" Ezra demanded, looking flustered. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ezra, calm down," His blue eyes lowered to the ground, and my green eyes stared right into the yellow ones belonging to the lasat. "What do you want?" My voice shook with anger, and the lights flickered.

"Zeb, put him in the closet." The lasat grabbed Ezra, and pulled him away.

"Hey! Take your claws off my brother!" I jumped onto the lasat, whom I guess was Zeb.

"Get off him!" Two sets of hands pulled me off, and pushed me forwards into one of the walls, holding my arms behind my back. I kept trying to break free, and reach for my blaster.

"Ezra!" I had my face turned, but the lasat was too big to see my brother, and they disappeared down the hallway.

"Stop struggling and we'll let you go." Was a girl's voice coming from a helmet.

I stopped pulling, and they slowly released my arms. I felt bruises set, but they weren't visible.

My legs collapsed from underneath me, and I slumped down the side of the wall, with my back against the wall. My eyes welled up with tears, from fear.

"P-please." My voice was shaky. "What do you want?"

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