Chapter 10: The Confrontation

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A pale blue light saber had clashed against mine. I looked into the face of my attacker. It was a very familiar scarred face.

"Anakin?" He shoved me with a blast of energy, and I was tossed to the ground on my back, almost knocking the breath out of me.

My light saber flew out of my hands, and rolled further into the dark cave. I looked up, and a blue light saber was pointed right at my face.

I reached out with the Force, and my light saber flew back into my hands, and I hit Anakin's light saber with it. He dropped his light saber, and I stabbed him in the stomach.

He looked me in the eye with pure hatred, nothing like he had before when I had met him, before the Jedi Council fell.

I didn't know what I wanted to say, but before I could say anything, he vanished into a mist.

I was confused on what exactly had just happened, and questions were beginning to flood through my head, starting with 'What was his deal? Why did he just disappear?'. I stared into the dark cave for a long while, and I sensed a familiar presence.

"Master Kenobi?" I walked out of the cave, and looked around. There was not a soul to be seen. "Hello?"

"Who goes there?" A voice echoed over the little canyon I was in. 

"My name is Shadow." I called to the voice.

"Padawan Bridger?"

"Yes." A little shuffle came from behind some boulders, and the Force behold, my master stood there.

I smiled a little. Jedi are forbidden to form attachments, but it is hard for a padawan not to get attached to their master. I can actually speak from personal experience. It's almost like a brother-sister bond between siblings.

I looked down at my light saber hilt that I was still holding.

Footsteps shuffled into my direction, and Master Kenobi appeared from behind a boulder. He looked the same that he had five years ago, when I had last seen him, but older. All of his hair had been a light brown, but it was all grey. He had age in his face, too, but not as much age as Jedi Master Yoda.

Man, a few years ages people quickly in my perspective.

"Master." I ran to him, and nearly tackled him in a hug. I clearly took him by surprise.

"My goodness, padawan," He hugged me back. "You have aged a bit since your last training."

"As have you, master." I released him from my constricting hug.

"Why don't you come to my hut, and we can talk, before the Sand People come?" He beckoned me in a direction, and I followed.


I waited for Master Kenobi, sitting on a bench sort of chair. He was in the next room, making a tea of some sort.

He walked into the room I was in, and pulled up a chair across from me, with a short table in between.

"Padawan, I thought that I sent you to live with your family. Why are you here?" I then launched into a long (and probably very boring) explanation of all events that had lead to my visit to Tattooine.

Obi Wan just listened to my rambling, and nodded a few times, but not really much after that.

After I had finished my long explanation, Obi Wan looked slightly troubled. He plucked at his white beard, and sat back.

"So you have discovered another Jedi and he's here?"

"Yes, he travels the galaxy, and rebels against Imperial Forces. I'd call him reckless, but a wise Jedi like you would call him...brave."

"And I do call him brave. It is definitely brave to stand up to the Empire like he does, and reveal to them that he is a Jedi as well."

"About that..." I bit my lip. During my long ramble, I left out the whole part of me also revealing my Jedi powers.

"Padawan..." He used his warning voice.

"Yeah..." His eyes narrowed. Boy, was I in for it.

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