Chapter 9: Finding my Master

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Ezra and I were leaning on the metal rail that borders our house. A soft wind twisted my hair around my face.



"Am I a Jedi, like you?" I had known that he was going to ask eventually. Ezra had always been curious.

"Ezra, I'm not going to lie to you. You are a Force sensitive, like I am. I don't know if you'll be good or bad." I didn't want to look at him. He didn't like when I kept secrets from him.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Mom and dad wanted to keep you safe, and you would have been put in a lot of danger just for knowing."

Ezra didn't say anything, and walked into the house.

"Should I talk to him?" I jumped, and nearly shot Kanan with my blaster.

"Kanan, what are you doing here? I thought you guys left."

"Thought we'd stay a little longer. So, can I talk to Ezra? You didn't look too successful."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, go ahead."

The doors opened, and he went inside. He wasn't inside for very long, and the doors popped open, Ezra bounding out in front of Kanan.

"I'm going to be a Jedi!" He was shouting, and jumping everywhere.

"You look more like you belong in a zoo," I joked, and Kanan snickered. "Besides, no one is supposed to know, remember?"

"Aw, come on, Shadow, let the kid have some fun," He checked a watch on his arm. "But we are going to be late. Come on."

We climbed down the ladder, and sprinted across the sandy field, where I saw the Ghost parked.

Hera was standing at the top of the ramp, her arms crossed. "Kanan Jarrus, i thought you had a watch."

"I do."

'Then use it." She turned, and walked to the cockpit.

We went inside the ship, and Kanan closed the ramp.

"Hey, Shadow, Sabine was looking for you. She has some news."

I ran down the hall, and knocked on the door to her room. The door slid open, and Sabine leaned on the door frame, with her Mandolorian armor on, but her helmet was off.

"You know, if we are going to share this room, you won't have to knock. I have some news for you." She beckoned me inside, and I climbed onto the top bunk.

"So, Sabine, what was it you needed to tell me?" She closed the door, and leaned against it.

"I know a guy, that knows another guy, that knows one other guy that lives on Tattooine. He didn't know an Obi Wan Kenobi, but there is a hermit named Ben Kenobi," Ben Kenobi. Very sneaky, just not that clever. "It just so happens that we have to take a shipment to Tattooine, and since we have Ezra, you can poke around a little."

I jumped down from the bunk bed and practically tackled her in a losat hug, just not as smelly. "Thank you Sabine!"

"You're welcome, Shadow." And with that, the ship took off.


I stepped down from the ramp, dust clouding the far off distance. The two suns shone along the horizon, the heat hit me like a slap in the face.

I wasn't exactly dressed for this climate, but I had only ever been on Lothol.

We were landed outside a village, where the crew was bartering and buying supplies. I was headed out of town, where the hermit Ben Kenobi lived.

It wasn't that far, but in scorching heat, it's a rough walk. I tripped and fell four times, covering myself in dirt.

I approached a canyon, the one he supposedly lived in. I was beginning to doubt that this was the right Kenobi. There is no way that my master would hole up in a place like this.

I felt for my light saber, which was hanging off my belt on the left side. on my right thigh, I had a gun holster strapped on, thanks to Sabine.

I listened quietly to the sounds around me. There wasn't much, except for my echoing footsteps. The Force told me more, the tiny little organisms crawling underground, and a person close by. No, many people.

I put my hand on my blaster, and pulled it out of its case. I had already been shot in the leg once, I wasn't about to have it happen again.

I walked on like this for about ten minutes, then I came across a cave. It was dark inside, but I still poked my head inside.

"Master Kenobi?" I called in. My voice echoed, but there was no reply. I turned to walk away, but I stopped when I heard a shuffle come from inside, and a couple of hushed voices.

I put my blaster back into its holster and unclipped my light saber from my belt.

I stepped forward into the cave, and reached out with the Force, but I couldn't find anything. Whatever was inside didn't want me to know it was there.

I stepped in further, and left my light saber off, ready to turn it on at any moment.

I was about twenty feet from the entrance, but I still hadn't found anything.

I turned to leave, and there was a shuffle behind me. I ignited my light saber, and put it out to defend myself, and my green light saber clashed with another glowing blade.

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