Chapter 2: The Crates

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Ezra had himself perched on the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse building, as he always had done when we stole from the Empire. I was knelt discreetly behind a hover craft. I had my new blaster from Ezra in a gun holster on my belt that I took off a dead stormtrooper.

I looked up at Ezra, but he had his eyes traced on a guy by an alley, and a girl in Mandolorian armor. It reminded me of a bounty hunter that came through town once, but her armor was colorful, but good camouflage when taking down wanted criminals. Then, a lasat joined them. Who were those guys?

I was snapped out of my trance when a stormtrooper behind me said, "You shouldn't be here." I turned around, and avoided a strike to my head, and I rolled on the ground. Before I got to take down the bucket head, Ezra hit him with his sling shot that he had on his arm.

I made a quick salute to him, and he nodded his head. I turned to hear stormtroopers yelling, and a series of blaster fire. I turned the corner, and that guy was taking our crates!

I ran to him, and shoved him off of one of the speeder bikes pulling the crates, I didn't want to mess with the lasat on the other one.

"Thanks for doing the heavy lifting." Ezra jumped down from the building, and landed on top of one of the two crates. I jumped onto the bike, and we sped off.

I turned my head for a quick second. "Climb up here, I don't want you to fall off!" I called over the wind, and I felt Ezra jump onto the bike. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I gassed it.

"Shadow, they're chasing us!" I turned and I saw the girl in the Mando armor gaining on us on a bike with no crates. She had more speed than us, with less weight.

She pushed against us, and cut off the crate at the end. "If the big guy catches you, he'll end you." Was all that she said, and she stopped, and got the crate that she broke off. Speeding past her was the guy.

He had a vengeance, and I felt it for some reason. He was gaining tons of speed.

"Shadow, whatever is in that crate had better be worth it!" He yelled over the wind.

Overhead, there was a TIE Fighter. it started shooting at us. We were close to home, but a bullet hit the bike, and it exploded.

Star Wars Rebels: Into the LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora