Chapter 12: Jedi Training

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I didn't realize that I was holding my breath, until I let it out. Hera let out a deep breath as well, so at least I wasn't all alone.

"That was intense. I wonder how they tracked us so fast." Sabine walked into the cockpit, and sat in her chair.

"I don't think they have the power to track an entire ship like that. I think they were there for a different reason." Hera looked over at me. I shrugged.

"Where's Kanan?"

"I think he's in his room." I walked down the hallway, and knocked on his door. It opened, and he walked out.

"Hey, what can I do for you?" I pulled out the holocron Obi Wan had given to me.

"I was instructed to give this to you." I handed the holocron to him.

"You must be a good padawan, running errands for your master."

"Was. I've been knighted." Kanan's eyes widened.

"But, you appear to know so little!"

"The Force will tell me whatever I need to know. If you need me, I'll be in my room." I walked away, and into the room I share with Sabine.
"Try harder, Ezra." Chopper flings another rock at Ezra, that he fails to hit.

Kanan is beginning to look very frustrated with him, and I could sense it as well.

Ezra lifted the visor of the clone trooper helmet he had on.

"I've been trying."

"Not hard enough."

"Kanan, maybe you should-" He put his hand up.

"I got this Shadow."

"Are you sure?" I raise my eyebrow. "You seem a bit frustrated."

"I'm fine." I didn't believe him, but I let it go. Ezra was probably his first padawan, and knowing Ezra, he won't be an easy one to teach.

"You guys have fun, I'm going back inside." I retreated back into the ship.

We were on Lothol, and I was glad to be on home turf after fighting clones, and annoying droids. And brothers. And lasots.

I try to open the door to my room, but it's locked.

"Sabine, you in there?"


"Everything alright?"

"You'll see!" I shrugged, and decided to go visit home for a bit, and maybe find another pair of boots. The ones I had were falling apart at the seams.

I looked over at Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper.

"Hey Kanan, I'm going that way!" I pointed in the direction of my house.

"Alright, keep in touch if anything happens."

I took off into a sprint, and charged across the open plain. The semi-warm air felt good after being on Tatooine and its two suns.

I was at the bottom of the ladder that goes up to the top of our house, and I climb up. When I get to the top, I turn around and look out into the distance.

The city was along the horizon, like always. The Force was telling me that something was wrong.

I closed my eyes, and I tried to feel the disturbance. I ducked out of the way just in time.

I laid on my back, and looked up at the blaster mark on the side of our house. I peeked down to see who shot at me.

This guy was all dressed in green, and had Mandolorian armor, sort of like Sabine's, but his was painted camouflage. From the way he was dressed, I could tell that he was definitely not from my planet.

I stayed low, and I tried not to move.

"Come on, Shadow. You aren't giving up that easy are you?" I felt a chill go down my spine. He was a bounty hunter, sent after me. "If you don't come down, I'm coming up."

"Tough luck." I muttered, and I pulled out my blaster. I fired a ton of bullets his way, and the ones he shot back were ricocheting off of the metal, bounching way too close for comfort.

I pulled out a communicator that Hera had given me, and called for help.

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