Chapter 13: The Uninvited Guest

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"Hey, guys, it's Shadow. I'm in trouble!"

"What happened?" Kanan's voice answers first, followed by Sabine.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at our tower. There's a bounty hunter blocking my only way out!" I fire more bullets, and I duck back down.

There's a short pause on the communicator.

"Hang in there, Shadow. Kanan and I will be right there."

"And Shadow,"

"What, Kanan?"

"Only use your light saber if you have to."

"Got it. I'll hold him off as long as I can, but I'm getting low on bullets." I put the comm back into my pocket that it came out of, and fired more bullets back at the bounty hunter.

I rolled to get a better shot, and when I pulled the trigger, no bullet came out. I put the blaster back into its holster, and muttered to myself.

When are Sabine and Kanan going to get here? They should be here by now. I was scared that something or someone might have hurt them. They are tough, but anything could happen.

I so desperately wanted to pull out my light saber and slice this guy in half, but he would have the upper hand. Plus, just because I'm a Jedi knight, that doesn't make me more reckless, does it?

I just laid there, trying to dodge bullets that ricocheted. Man, does his blaster ever run out of bullets?

There is a pause in blaster fire. I look over the edge of the ramp, and he's gone.

I stand up, and look over the rail. He completely vanished. There's no way he'd just give up, and leave like that. I looked for traces of footprints, but I was too high to see.

I turned to my right to crawl over to the ladder and get out of there, and a trigger clicked right behind my head.

"Put your hands up, rebel, or this is going to get real ugly." I slowly put my hands up on my head, and he took my blaster and light saber.

"So, you're a Jedi," He concluded. "Been a while since your kind has been this far out."

"My kind?" I put great emphasis on 'kind'. There is the way of the Force, and those that use it. Jedi are not a 'kind', but peaceful protectors of the Force. The knights. Only a bounty hunter would get that wrong.

"Shut up, Jedi," He snapped, and pushed me toward the ladder. "Climb down the ladder. Don't do anything stupid."

I steadied myself, and climbed down. The bounty hunter went down after me. I made it to the bottom, and jumped down into the dirt. I looked up, and the bounty hunter was being really sluggish. I estimated time, and distance, and I booked it.

I ran, as hard as I could, in the direction of the Ghost. I saw Kanan and Sabine running in my direction, and I waved. I heard bootsteps chasing me, and I looked over my shoulder.

The bounty hunter was chasing me, and he covered more ground than I did. I sent a force push in his direction, and I kept running. Kanan and Sabine stopped running, and started shooting at him.

Overhead, I heard a ship. I looked up, and saw the Ghost flying over us. Bullets started shooting at the bounty hunter, and he dove behind a piece of scrap metal.

The Ghost lowered, not quite landing, and the loading ramp lowered. Kanan and Sabine caught up to me and we all jumped into the ship.

When we were all safely back into the ship, the loading ramp closed and I felt the ship go into hyperspace.

I rested against a wall, sitting on the ground and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

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