Chapter 11: The Knighting

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"Padawan Bridger! Are you out of your mind??!" I clenched my teeth, his voice rattled through my head. "Why don't we just put a huge light up sign, saying 'Here I am!!! I'm a Jedi!!'" He kept rambling on and on.

"Master, it can't be that bad."

"You showed your light saber in front of a squad of storm troopers, and an ISB Agent! It's much worse than bad!"

"Master Kenobi, get ahold of yourself!" I slapped my hand on the table, and jumped out of my chair. Master Kenobi drew back, like I was about to hit him.

He just looked up behind me.

I turned around, slowly, and gasped.

A wooden crate of some sort had been sitting on the ground, and only pieces of it were strewn about. There was a crater in the sand below where the crate had been sitting.

"A big blast of energy. The Dark Side is within you."

"What?" I couldn't believe this. "It wasn't me, I have these things under control, you know this." He searched my eyes for the truth, like he had done when I was just a youngling.

He beckoned to me. "Come over here."

I walked around the table and Master Kenobi stood up.

"What did you see in that cave?"


"When you showed up, you where in a cave, now what did you see?"

"Anakin. He tried to kill me, but I defeated him, and he vanished into a mist."

"You have been tested, and you passed."

"That was the test?" He nodded.

"Kneel, Padawan Bridger," He pulled out his light saber, and put it over each of my shoulders. "Arise, Knight Shadow Bridger." I stood up, and Master Kenobi put his light saber away.

"There is a disturbance in the Force." I looked up at him.

"I feel it too."

"It's very faint, at a far distance. You have to leave."

"Master, I'm not leaving."

"It is an order, Shadow. There's a door out back. I need you to go out and run. Don't stop. Don't look back. Just run."

"But what about you?"

"That does not matter," He handed me a holocron. "Give this to that Jedi, Kanan," He pushed me out the back door. "Time is at the essence, you have to go."

The back door closed, and as much as I wanted to stay, I ran, harder than I had ever ran before. I felt a stitch in my side, yet I kept going.

After not too long, the town came into sight, and I saw the Ghost, parked right where it had been when I had left.

I ran up the ramp, and into the cockpit. Hera was sitting at the controls, doing nothing really.

"Hera." I said out of breath, doubling over with my hands on my knees.

"Shadow, you're back," She got up, and came over to me, and led me to a chair. "Did you find Ben?" I nodded.

"" I panted in between words. Hera had a look of doubt, but I gave her a 'just do it' look. She went to the controls, and pressed the com button.

"Ghost to all specters, we have to leave now." I heard Zeb and Kanan say something back

I had finally caught my breath, and stood up.

"They'll be here in a bit. Shadow, are you okay, you look pale."

"What? Oh, I'm fine."

"You sure?" I nodded, and walked to the room I was sharing with Sabine. The door was open, so I just walked in, closing the door behind me. I climbed onto the top bunk of the bed, flopping down onto my stomach.

I laid there for a bit, and I was almost asleep when the door opened.

I popped my head up, and Sabine was in the door way.

"I thought you went out to find Ben."

"I did, and I found him."

"Well, then why are you back so soon?"

"There is someone or something coming, and I can't be here." I jumped down from the top bunk, and walked past Sabine.

I walked down the hallway, and into the cockpit. Hera was working on getting the ship up and running. Zeb and Ezra were both yelling at Chopper, and the droid rolled down the hallway, making a bunch of beeping noises, with Ezra and Zeb in close pursuit.

"Hang on you guys, we got TIEs!" Through the windshield, six TIE fighters were flying past, shooting at us.

Hera got the ship into the air, and two of the cannons of the Ghost where firing back.

"Hold on!"Hera pushed some buttons, and we shot off into hyperspace.

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