Chapter 8: The Reveal

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A/N sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long. I'll take you off of this cliffhanger :) peace, and may the Force be with you.

The stormtroopers began firing straight at the both of us. I deflected bullets with my light saber, just like how Master Kenobi had taught me.

I jumped over a bullet that was either aimed at my feet, or the idiot that shot it just didn't even try to aim.

I landed gracefully, but I missed the red streak coming right at me. I looked up in just enough time to duck my head out of the way.

"You okay, kid?" Kanan didn't look my direction, so he didn't see what happened next.

I lost concentration, and missed a bullet.

I felt a burning sensation in my right leg, spreading throughout my body. The burning was paralyzing, and I lost my balance.

My light saber fell a few inches away, but I was too busy clutching my leg, red blood oozing out of a neat little hole.

"Kid!" Kanan turned my direction.

"Keep shooting! I'll be fine!" I waved him off.

I got back up, and grabbed my light saber off the ground. The bucket heads started shooting at me again. What? They thought that I was defenseless when I was down?

I sent the bright red bullets back to the guns that shot them. Kanan did the same. Long before I was shot in the leg, I had seen Ezra run to help the wookies, but most after that I didn't see.

Once we had killed all of the bucket heads, I collapsed, right into a small pool of my own blood.

"Kid!" Kanan ran over, probably wondering what the squishy sounding splat was.

"I'm fine, you go help Ezra," He opened his mouth to protest, but I glared at him, quickly shutting him up. "I can take care of myself, Kanan. Ezra needs you now." He nodded, and ran towards the direction that Ezra had taken off to.

I sat up, and tore off a piece of fabric from the long hem of my shirt, and tied it around my upper thigh, where my bullet wound was, to hold back the blood flow.

My hands were shaky, making it difficult. My skin was so cold.

I heard boots running up behind me, but I didn't look to see who it was.

"Shadow!" It was Sabine. Her shadow came over me, and she held out a hand. She helped me up, and put my arm over my shoulder. "What happened?"

"I got shot in the leg, but it isn't bad." She helped me over to a bunch of giant crates, one of them had Zeb poking his head out, yelling at us to move faster.

We made it in, and the door closed behind us. Kanan said something into a communicator, and Zeb mumbled something. Then, there was a loud clang, and I felt my stomach drop.


There was a clamor in the cargo part of the ship, a series of wookies growling. I was alone in a spare room of the ship, cleaning my wound. The bullet was still in my leg, unfortunately.

I had taken bullets out before. I just didn't like to.

First, I had to cut my jeans back, and then sterilize. I picked up a sterilized knife, and then took a deep breath. I put the knife into my leg, and a searing pain shot out of every nerve in my leg, but I didn't shout. I found the bullet, and popped it out of the wound.

I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I quickly stitched up the wound, and cleaned up my leg. I put a bandage over the stitches, glad to have that over with. I was pretty sure that I had been gone long enough for everybody to wonder where I had ended up at.

I opened the door, and walked down the hall. We had landed, and were on a planet. I walked down the ramp, and looked around.

We were on Lothal, close to my home. We were outside of the town.

I saw a figure at the base of the house Ezra and I live in.

"Kanan?" I half ran, half hobbled to keep up with him.

"Kanan!" I kept shouting his name, until he stopped, and heard me.

I caught up to him, panting.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be running on that leg." Kanan raised an eyebrow, and stopped walking.

"I don't care about that. Why are we here?" He laughed.

"Obviously bringing you two home."

"What about Ezra?"

"You'll have to teach him yourself."

"I can't teach a padawan, I'm still a padawan myself!" Kanan looked shocked.

"Then why aren't you with Master Kenobi?"

"Because it's safer that way," It wasn't like I didn't miss my master, he was like a second brother to me. "When the Jedi Temple was attacked, and the Empire was established, my master sent me back here to my family, he said that if we were apart, attention wouldn't be attracted to either of us."

"I see." Kanan didn't ask any more questions.

I turned away, memories coming back. Mom and dad being taken away, living with Ezra for eight years, and leaving my master.

My left hand fingered my padawan braid, tucked underneath the rest of my hair. I had always thought about going back, but Ezra had needed me more. Jedi don't make attachments, but they help those who can't take care of themselves, right?

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