Chapter 20: Simon

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Two months later...


It was the beginning of December. The coldness of my bedroom floor made contact with my feet as I got up from my bed. I checked my phone.

Oh. It's 7:40. Damn it, I forgot to set my alarm.

I yawned, stretching. I opened my closet door and picked out my outfit as usual. Being pretty sure it would be extremely cold today, I chose my brown sweater, black coat, and gray pants. I bent down and grabbed my black boots.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I sighed as the hot water warmed my cold skin. I cleaned myself and hopped out of the shower, grabbing my towel and drying myself off. I put on my clothes. And went to my bathroom mirror. I combed through my hair.

I should try a new style. I wear the same two everyday.

I put my hair into half-up-half-down style. I adjusted the bun.

I checked myself out.

"Heh. I look good." I whispered to myself.

"Simon! We're late for school!" Jill yelled, barging into my room.

Oh shit.

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