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"Okay I will. I did no what? You're so annoying" I say to Steve over the phone. He has been calling me for weeks now nonstop.

"You're annoying" Steve retorts.

"Excuse me?" I say into the phone. I can sense the terror in his voice.

"I said I'm annoying" Steve replies.

"What I thought. Listen babe I'll call you later I need to go to tony" I reply seeing tony at the door

"I love you Mag. Stay safe" Steve says then I hear barf noises in the back.

"Tell Sam I said "he has a date with Ayako if he wants it"

"And Fuck you" I add. "Alright bubba, I love you too. Don't do anything stupid and please guard that ring"

"With my life" Steve says cutting the line.

"Bubba? This guy has to have a chance. Even cap didn't have that one" tony says smirking.

"He's definitely in lead" I reply.

"We need to talk about something that happened even if I think I have a theory" I conclude. Tony nods.

"Uhh okay I've been having extreme strength, eye sight, and hearing" I say.

"I think my dad's power is finally appearing" I mention.

"You're evolving. The king guy said it no? Goddess of protection?" Tony say from the story I told him.

I nod. "Yes but that not the weird part"

"Uhh how do I even explain this" I say looking around. I grab Tony's hand leading him for the bathroom.

"Ready?" I reply. I turn the faucet on. I put stretch my hand too it.

"What you're going to use the force.."tony says smugly

I stop the water flow. "That"

I drop my hand making the water flow again.

"You're controlling water?" Tony says raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah" I say "And I Can breath underwater"

"What no?'re serious?" He asks. I nod my head furiously.

"And I somehow know how to use a sword. My senses are like 100x heightened then before." Before I can continue my sentence.

Tony throws a vase at my head. I instinctively make an x formation with my arms sending a pulse.

The vase explodes mid air and tony land on his ass from the repulsion.

"And now that" I respond. "I think I'm changing"

"You think or you know?" Tony retorts getting up from the ground.

"I know" I reply narrowing my eyes.

"Let's test it" he replies.

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"You okay down there?" Tony say checking the time.

My fist come out of the water making a thumbs up. I've been swimming underwater for a little while. I'm actually pretty good at swimming down here.

"And that's 7 hours" I hear tony mutter.

I finally resurface. My breathing normal like I didn't just inhale water.

"I'm bored anything else" I reply putting my hands on the edge.

"Try the pulse crap under there" he suggests. I nod going back down.

"Ready when you are" tony says.

I bring my arms up both clenched into fist. I hear foot steps approaching us.

I clash my hands together roughly making an x formation. The water from the pool erupts. Sending it up into the ceiling and destroying the pool structure at the bottom. Turning it into rubble.

I'm inside the water mid air. As it fall back down aggressively. Tony gets submerged in the huge tsunami along with the equipment.

I make the water still so tony can resurface safely. The water is now all over the room. The whole room is now a pool.

I see tony holding onto the door like the titanic.

I come up from the water. "That was mistake"

"I agree" tony says looking around. Sparks erupt from the cámara. I see the cámara fall in slow motion.

I make a bubble lifting tony and I before the electric current hit the water.

"We're floating in a water bubble" tony says holding on to the door.

"Oh my god" we hear from the door. We see pepper looking around the room.  She has a bathing suit on.

"Don't get in the water it has electricity" I say moving the bubble to safe ground.

After putting us down the water splashes at our feet.

"What did you do to the pool!" Pepper says shocked.

"I don't know" I reply "well we know...but you wouldn't believe it"

"She nearly drowned me" tony accuses.

"Do the pulse underwater" I mock his voice.

"Why'd you listen to me?" Tony asks

"Cause I thought. Oh! maybe a cute wave will happen. Not nuke in water" I reply screaming back at him.

"To be fair we didn't know that would happen" I reply to pepper.

"There goes my swimming plans" she mutters.

"Let's go to the ocean my treat" I reply creating a portal.

"Yay!" Pepper squeals going to the Bahamas.

I grab Tony's hand shoving him in and closing the portal.

"This is awesome!" We see pepper in the water.

"You should do it he.."

I pretend to make and x at him. He quickly runs toward pepper. "Idiot"

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MY FAVORITE ASSIGNMENT✔️ || s.rDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora