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"Great job stevie o thanks for saving the world" I say announcing my presence in Central Park.

"Yeah no problem. I'll just let it burn next time" he says

I frown forms on my face. "That's my job" I say he sees the suit case next to me.

"Off to being a genius. Try not killing anyone" he says a sad smile paints his face.

"I'll try. But I'm not making any promises" I say. "I'd suggest we hug but it's forbidden. Cooties"

He rolls his eyes bring me into a hug. Crushing my rib cage. He grabs my bag putting it in Tony's car.

"Hurry up cheese head" tony says. Thor just left earth. I think?

"I'm going Tin can" I say. "I'm about to recycle his ass" I mutter the last part to Steve.

"Call me mags" he says "and be safe."

"Im always safe and I will" I say getting in the back seat.

"Toodaluu" I say and tony drives off like a Fucking race car.

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"AHHHHH" bruce and i scream. Tony brings a fire extinguisher. Pepper enters the room frantically.

"What's happening?" She yells over the smoke.

"Tony just added a milliliter extra of ammonium phosphate" I say coughing. "Is anyone's hair turning purple?" I ask

Peppers eyes widen and looks her beautiful hair. That women had to use head and shoulders right? Or I'm i just ratchet?

"She's playing" Bruce says. "Right?" He asks seriously.

"Sureee" I say clicking my computer. "Computer system 41a is now fully implemented into project Veronica!" I say.

"Did you retouch veronicas main frame?" Tony asks.

"No. I reconfigure her stabilizing and her protocols for a code green" I say "I'll work on that now"

"She worked at Facebook" pepper says confused.

"Pepper leave my friends alone. There aren't druggies" tony says like a teenager.

"Well Bruce is oddly calm" I say "and at least he has friends Now"

"Okay stay out of it cheese head" tony says.

"I don't smoke cannabis" Bruce says. Everyone gives him a look

"I don't!" He says looking at everyone.

"Bitch I've passed by your room..." we hear a crash. We all look in the direction.

"This is how it starts in the movies." I say. I look at pepper "I'm so glad I'm not the blond girl"

"Why not?" Pepper asks.

"They always die first" I say. I see tony grab his iron man fist.

I grab the scissors and make a weapon hopefully.

I walk behind tony making sure I'm alert.

"Dammit Morgan I think they heard us" I hear a boys voice says.

"Relax they didn't. And your mom isn't even trained in this timeline. She probably thinks it was a cat or something" who I assume is Morgan says.

I look at tony confused at the words of the intruders.

"My mom isn't stupid Morgan. Dad said she looked like/acted like an idiot but was a genius in everything" he emphasizes the last part.

"We're fine" Morgan says. "Ugh you're like your dad so uptight."

I look at tony and give him silent. You take one and I take the other?

He nods and I run an tackle the boy to the ground who screams and starts to thrash. I hold him in a restraint while I see the girl backed on the wall a laser point at her.

"Who are you people and what are you doing in my tower?" Tony asks.

"I told you idiot" the boy says from under me.

"Told her what?" I ask.

"Uhhh that..." he tries to lie but fails miserably like a person I know.

"Yeah okay while you concoct that lie. Let's start with what's your name" I say.

"I'm James" he says "I'm 15 and I'm from Brooklyn"

"James if you don't shut you're trap" Morgan says

"She's more terrifying here" he says. He knows me but until later? That's what his words imply.

"What so terrifying my irresistible face?" I say.

"No you have a look In your eye. Ive only seen it when dad and I haven't done our laundry and you walk in with a laser gun" he says

"JAMES" Morgan yells.

I look at tony. "Holy shit. Their time travelers."

I get off my I think son? I don't know Morgan didn't give up a lot of information. But this James is a gusher.

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