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"Hold the fucking phone" ayako
throws her phone at me. Isaiah catches it before it hits my face.

"That's a hate crime" I reply. We're eating lunch outside on the grass. She pull out a box with rice and chopsticks.

"That makes my lunch look bad" I reply holding leftovers.

"Yeah that sucks" she reply's taking a huge bite.

"Wait a minute isn't the presentation today?!" Isaiah panics.

"Yeah I'll go with the flow" I reply slurping my spaghetti.

"Not fair you literally the smartest. Even the professors see you as competition" he scoffs.

"I didn't ask to be born a genius" I retort.

"Ughh Can you people shut up. I'm trying to eat" ayako groans.

"Oh I'm sorry did we hurt your feelings" In a baby voice.

"Na just my ears" she backfires.

"How'd I end up with the idiots of the class?" I retort.

My phone rings. I look at the caller ID. "Who's CAP'n mErIcA?" Isaiah says looking over my phone.

"It's my friend. He really likes cap" I reply picking up the call.

"Hey sweetie" Steve says on the other end.

"Hey! I'm eating lunch. How's is your day going?" I ask.

"Great, Sam forgot to fuel his wings and nearly died from a 100 feet drop" he says explaining today's catastrophic event.

"He better not die. Who's gonna be my child's father" I reply seriously. Ayako and Isaiah whip there head in my direction.

"He didn't Wanda caught him" he replies laughing.

I look at the time it's almost time
For my lecture.

"I need to go to my next lecture. I love you and don't die." I say strictly at the end.

"Yes ma'am. Love you too" he says cutting the line.

"You have a kid?" Ayako breaks the silence.

"Not human. It's my pet pig shrimp and a turtle named squishy." I reply.

"Was that a boyfriend?" Isaiah nudges my shoulder.

"Something like that" I reply.

"Poor guy. Having competition with Captain America" ayako comments putting her Tupperware away.

"It's really sucks. He's never going to live up to him" I reply seriously. If only they knew.

"Captain America. Poor guy" Isaiah comments too. He's gay if you needed clarification.

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"What was my topic again?" I ask the professor.

"Brief description of hacking and basics skills to know" the profesor says annoyed.

"Okay! Hacking is basically to put it in simple terms. Knocking down a door or unlocking a lock." I start my presentation.

"In order to hack. Or rob you need to have a brief summary of what's inside." I reply. The professor interrupts me.

"How would we know" he questions and takes notes on my presentation.

"Well, in order to create a fully functional operation. We need to understand we need a way in and out." I present. "Knowing this information can infer and make appropriate estimations of the code."

"And let's take this even further" I reply. I connect the professors computers for he screen above.

"When hacking you know what you're hacking" I reply "rule number one"

"Let's say we want to hack. I don't know..." I look at the class expecting them to shoots some request.

"Pentagon" someone says joking. The teacher thinking I won't be able to do it. Encourages me.

"Go for it Ford" he replies smirking.

"Pentagon it is" I reply.

"Okay so this software is constantly changed by an algorithm." I reply. The computer goes black and code starts to appear.

I furiously type on the computer focused. "Done" i reply. "Back door is open"

"What?" The professor shoots up. Going over to his computer.

"The key here is to not get caught. Now, i work for the pentagon and my name is Maria" I reply.

"Hacking!" I reply. "Is that a file on Kennedy's assassination?"

I shut down the page going back to normal.

Everyone claps as I go sit down next to my friends.

"You're fucking smart" ayako mutters.

"I didn't hack the pentagon" I reply. She squints her eyes. "I hacked into the Russians data bases"

"Well nice job" she mutters.

"Tony Starks in the building" someone mutter my eyes widen. What the hell? The years almost over why the hell is he here.

The door burst open and there he is in all his glory. Tony Stark. He ignores the teachers comments and walks over to me.

He grabs my elbow propping me up. "We have a problem"

"How bad is it that you had to come get me from my class" I reply grinding my teeth.

"Level 10 bad" he replies seriously. "Steves fucked up bad"

"Let's go talk somewhere privately" I reply getting my shit.

"Excuse us" I reply to the class as I follow tony out.

"Long story short governments involved. People died" he replies. "Mission gone bad"

"Of course it did" I scoff making my way to my car.

"I flew here" tony says getting inside.

"I'm about to kick Ass" I reply slamming the door.

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