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I look at myself in the mirror. My white poofy dress and my face with makeup. A pretty crown on my head. The people from Atlantic sent it to me and even accepted the invitation.

"The minute you realize you married before the Russian princess" I joke. Natasha pulls my hair harshly. "Why is it always me?"

"Because you're always the stupid one" Natasha backfires. "And you're not married yet"

"Are U imply..."

"Did o say anything to imply?" She says cutting me off. "You and Steve are perfect for eachother"

"I know" I say taking the compliment. "It's my wedding day princess, I need to look like the queen of the castle"

"I good but not that good" she says narrowing her eyes playfully. "All finished"

Natasha is wearing a pretty royal blue dress. I haven't seen Steve since yesterday. Tony dragged him off somewhere. Something about a bachelor.

"If I wasn't marrying Steve" I say putting my arm on her shoulder and look at her up and down. "I'd tap that"

"That's a little gay coming from you" Natasha says raising an eyebrow.

"When have I ever not been a simp around you" I retort. She nods agreeing. "I still am"

"It's time to go sell your soul" she says shoving me out the door.

"Wait? You never mentioned soul selling" I say nervously. She walks past Me into the back yard.

"Nat?" I squeak. Am I selling my soul to the...well steve I guess I can live with that.

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"Are you ready?" Ryan says offering me an arm.

"Yeah let's go" I say not grabbing his arm and going to the aisle in-front of me.

I have my bouquet of flowers in my hand and Ryan comes from behind me. I clear my throat at tony. He comes from his seat and walks over to me.

"Why am I here again?" Tony says scoffing. Steve and everyone else looks really confused.

I turn back to Ryan and he offers me his arm. I can see Steve narrowing his eyes.

I turn back to tony and hand him my bouquet. I turn back to Ryan and fake a smile.

I punch his chin and everyone gasp. Then I kick his private area. "That's for leaving me and my friends on the boat asshole"

I grab the bouquet from Tony. "I'm walking myself down the aisle"

The music begins with a huge pop song and I begin to strut down the aisle with the music. Tony follows behind me and goes to his seat.

I make it to Steve and he hold his hand out to me. "You always were one to make a scene"

"It's a power move babe" I say shaking my head. He kisses the top of my head. I wack his shoulder. "Hands off until we're married"

"Yes ma'am" he says smiling brightly. "You look beautiful, more than I imagined you'd be darling"

"Stop looking at eachother and let me begin" Rhodes says annoyed. He took a two week course so he could marry us.

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"You may now kiss the...groom? Who the hell?" Rhodes says inspecting the book I wrote groom instead of bride.

I grab Steve by the tie and bring him down to kiss. He stumbles forward grabbing my waist to hold himself steady.

He kisses me back his face breaking into a smile. I pull away he rest his forehead head on my own.

Everyone claps at the sight and we walk together back to venue after some photos with friends.

"You look amazing Mag" pepper says her belly is super big from the baby inside her.

"Thanks dude" I say eating a cupcake. I look over to where Steve is and I see Thor tony and a couple atlantians throwing him up in the air. It's part of the he died ritual or something I don't know. I had to dance with him and hit him with a belt while he steeped the floor.

"Pepper Im not going to lie are you okay?" I ask the energy radiating off of her is weird.

"Yeah Im fine" she says smiling.

"Help me out of this dress?" I ask she nods and we go to bathroom.

She unzips me from the back and i go into a stall and change into a smaller white dress.

It fits my curves and it is not as bulky as the last one. I put a on a sash that says "bride" and I keep my crown on. I come out of the stall.

I wash my hand because god I hate public restrooms. I put my dress in a bag and pepper is standing near the doorway.

"Im free from the traps of the dress" I say spinning around. She laughs then stops abruptly.

"Come on let's go back to the party" I say. Going out the door. She grabs my arm while it's on the door knob.

"Mag" she says in a strangled voice. "I think I peed myself"

My eyes widen and look down at her dress. There's a huge watery stain on it

"That's not pee. That's...the babies coming" I say shocked. I grab her arm and try to get her out the door. She stops me.

"I can't go out their like this" she says scolding me.

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