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Liking someone and not knowing if they like you back sucks. Channing was constantly on my mind. I wanted to know what he was thinking. Oh gosh, I feel like a 6th grader who has a hopeless crush. This isn't like me at all. Since I finally had my own car again and nothing better to do with my life, I decided to go see him at the ring. I had to see him.

The ring was how it always was: my dad coaching someone whilst the others were lifting. I stood there watching my dad in the ring with some blonde that I recall being called Kyle. The two took a break after a while and my dad spotted me.

"Hey honey." My dad said and walked over to me.

"Hi." I smiled back. He kissed my forehead and began to walk toward a bench to remove his gloves.

"What are you doing here?" My dad asked.

"Just wanted to check on the place." I joked.

"Oh okay." He answered. I stood there with my dad while he took the rest of his gear off while I subtly scanned the room for Channing yet he was nowhere to be found.

"Um, where's Channing?" I nonchalantly inquired.

"He just left before you came, He had a doctor's appointment, I think, he told me." He replied. I nodded in response. I tried not to appear disappointed although I was. I just can't catch a hold of him. It was almost as if fate was telling us no, but I don't take no for an answer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The only place and time that I knew that I could locate Channing was at the ring since he had a match today. I had to confront him and discuss what was going on between us. Right now, I am in the stands with the rest of the crowd at the arena in my usual attire: an oversized sweater. The crowd, as usual, was going nuts, especially the girls. I heard them squealing over Channing: talking about how hot he is and all of the provocative things that they would do to him. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy shoot through me but it was easily forgotten when the announcer came to the center of the ring about to introduce the multiple fights that were about to happen.

The matches went on and it pretty predictable. Some of my dad's boxers won, some loss, but Channing effortlessly blew the crowd away and I wasn't one bit shocked. He was just that great.

I made my way into the locker room as the crowd dispersed. The guys had already showered and were getting dressed to leave. I browsed the room and immediately spotted the green-eyed boy. I'm guessing he saw me too when he started to walk my way.


"Hi." I greeted him back with a large grin on my face.

"Did you enjoy the fight?" He asked me.


"Good. I saw you in the crowd." He pointed out. I tried to remove the stupid grin off my face but I couldn't help it.


"Yeah." He answered. Our conversation was so pointless and childish yet it still made me feel 'butterflies in my stomach'. "Do you want to come back to my place?" He asked. I gulped nervously not wanting to do anything sexual with him yet but my mouth spoke before my brain could process anything.


"I'll meet you in the lobby." He winked and walked back toward the locker room. I did as told and walked to the lobby to wait for him. Right now, I was pacing back and forth with a mix of emotions: scared, excited, curious... I was feeling a plethora of emotions.

The RingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя