The Interview (7)

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We arrived at a large outdoor area already filling with people holding microphones, cameras, and notepads. The boys dragged my up to the table set up on a wooden platform for them. Paul, being the doll he was, brought an extra chair over for me. I sat in between Harry and Liam and when I looked out at the crowd I coudn't believe my eyes at the people basically spilling out of the barred off area. An announcer came on stage and introduced One Direction, saying they would now take questions one at a time. Suddenly everyone started talking at once.

The boys pointed at seemingly random people and they asked whatever question it was they had.

"Who is this new girl with you?" One interviewer asked. We never actually decided on what our story would be so I started to try to think up and explanation.

" shhhh its a secret," Harry smirked, "Our manager says not to let word out about this one for a few weeks" He Said gesturing over to me. My eyes grew wide as all went silent. Then all of a sudden bursts of yelling and questions broke out. Harry just chuckled and nervously glanced at the glares of their manager.

"Okayyyyyy......." Their manager said coming on stage, "I think this calls for the first break, take ten."

The boys and I headed back stage.

"Why did you say that about me?" I asked Harry.

"Because, why not? Sometimes you just have to have fun with these people, mess with them a little. If everything was so serious all the time then life would get bland. Have fun, spice things up a bit!" He said dancing around.

I laughed at his poor attempt of dancing. Maybe Harry was right though, sometimes I need to remember to let go because you only live once. We grabbed some food and chatted a little before we were told to get our butts moving back on stage. I quickly grabbed a water bottle before following them out. We sat back on stage and I scanned the crowd. Some of my favorite magazines were here! Sugarscape was right in front. All of a sudden I noticed a creepy figure in the back who seemed out of place. He had on a hoodie and dark glasses, In fact his whole outfit was kind of dark. I didn't see any camera crew with him. Something felt wrong.

I could feel the paranoia soak in. I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't think of how. I glanced at the boys to see if they noticed but they were all focused at the question at hand.

"Well, I think Harry is wrong. Banana's are most certainly not the best fruit." Liam said. How could they so intently be debating about fruit at a time like this?! The creepy figure starts moving closer, slowly. He was scarily good at blending in.

"Next question?" Liam asked.

"So is it true than that this girl here is Niall's secret girlfriend?" Someone asked. Niall's face got extremely red.

"Can we go back to the food questions?" Niall joked nervously. More questions started spilling in about me and it started getting a little overwhelming. I started getting afraid that my story would get out and everyone would know about why I was really with One Direction and about Rob Lowe. What would the media turn the story into? What would my life become with all the paparazzi?

"I gotta question!" Someone yelled above all the rest of the people. It was hoodie guy. The creepy guy all alone in the back of the room was now standing front and center. His glasses were in his hand and his head was down.

"Remember me?" He said taking off his hoodie. It was Rob Lowe. My mouth opened to a silent scream. Everyone else was quiet when they noticed my reaction but I barely noticed as my head was spinning. I felt like passing out but my heart was going a mile a minute. How did he find me? Who was he? And what did he want?

I don't know what happened but I started acting without thinking, forgetting everything else. I needed to get away. Before I could realize what I had done I took off running and I was already at the exit of the closed off interview area. I didn't know where I was going but I kept running, I couldn't just sit doing nothing. I heard footsteps behind me and found the boys trying to catch up with me. I reached the tourbus and I yanked on the handle but I couldn't open it. It was locked!

I turned to run back when all I see is the end of a gun pointed straight at my face.

"Get in." Rob says pointing to what I can only assume was his car. A tear escaped and ran down my cheek. I wish I could escape. Behind him I see the boys run up.

"don't get any closer or I'll shoot!" Rob yells without even looking at the boys.

"Please! Don't hurt her just leave her alone! We can give you all the money you want and we can forget this ever happened." Liam pleaded.

"I don't want your money." Rob said without emotion.

"But I won't hurt her... If you all get in the car."

"No!" I protested. They all looked at eachother. Rob stepped closer to me until there was nothing between us but the gun.

"Okay, Okay! We'll come too, just don't hurt her." Liam said desperately. All I could do was cry. A sick smile twisted across robs face and he grabbed my hand and led us over to the car.

"Good, and If you try anything I will kill you." He said, "Now, let's go HOME."

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