Epilogue (22)

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     *2109 words*

     It's been a while since the whole incident with Rob happened. After some therapy the boys went back to their tour hoping work and keeping busy would help them get back on track with their lives. A lot of healing has happened but this is not something that can be forgotten. We all have been dealing with the pain in our own way, though, and have been doing a lot better. Zayn had to take a break from the tour for a while and missed different interviews and events because the stress was too much. He ended up having a small mental breakdown that the media doesn't know about, not yet at least. Out of the blue he quit the band. We all tried to be there for him and help him but being around him seemed to make him feel worse. We brought back too many harsh memories and eventually contact was lost and he became a new guy. It was sad but in the end if it helped him to move on and get the closure he needed we were willing to let him go.

     The rest of the lads finished the tour but realized if they really wanted to get through this instead of pushing it all to the back of their mind they were going to need time. They planned a hiatus to work through problems and relax somewhat out of the public eye. Liam and Cat have started dating and they make a really cute couple! Harry and I have also been dating and he is the sweetest guy ever, spoiling me every chance he gets.  At first it was hard, but eventually the fans got used to the idea of us being together and now most of them love us. I'm not scared of the few haters that are left though, going through all that I have in turn gave me thick skin. Harry and I dated for about a year and now we are happily married with a daughter. The hiatus was extended so that Harry could help raise his new baby girl for a few years before going back on the road. Louis also has taken some time to help with raising his new baby as well. It's so cute to see our two kids playing together. They come over often to visit and our kiddos get along very well.

     Liam visits too, but not as much. Niall probably comes over the most often, sometimes he will even stay with us for up to a week. He loves our daughter and has dubbed himself Uncle Niall, they are so adorable and he is constantly posting pictures and short videos of them playing together. It's nice to have him around the house. He keeps bringing up how he and the lads should all have a reunion and go back on tour after the kids grow up a bit more. He can't wait to get back on the road and it's comical how much he talks about it and how excited he is. Cat and I have become very good friends and I've learned a lot about her. She comes to visit a lot and it's nice to have another girl to talk to other than the baby. We have leaned a lot on each other, especially when Olaf was pronounced dead. Olaf was never found and even though Cat never lost hope the cops knew it was a lost cause after a while. It makes me happy to see her with Liam now because it means she is a step further in moving on. The cops did find a body in Rob's house that was burnt beyond recognition. There was no way of finding any DNA on it, but there were fingerprints found on a gun that was in the body's hand. the fingerprints found on the gun were Rob's and the body had a bullet wound through the skull.

     Right now I am cooking dinner and Harry is playing with our daughter, Bethany, outside. We named her Bethany in honor of Harry's grandmother Annabeth. Every day my little girl reminds me of how strong I have become and that I am an overcomer. She is a real light in my life and makes both me and Harry so happy. I look out the sliding glass door and laugh to myself at Harry playing princesses with Bethany. He is dancing around in a tiara and wand with her. I turn back to the stove just as he walks in. He walks over placing his hands on my hips.

"Hey pretty lady." He grins.

"Hello princess." I laugh back, mockingly bowing to him.

"Very funny." He chuckles before heading into the fridge.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask nervously, "You know I don't like her outside alone."

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I am getting the princess some magical juice and biscuits for our tea party." He answers with sarcastic seriousness. 

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