Escape (14)

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Rob was asleep but I was still trapped beneath his arm. I grabbed a pillow and tried slipping out from under his arm and replace it with a pillow. He started to stir but slowly I made it out.I looked back to see the pillow cradled in my place. I slowly got up from the bed paying close attention to where I stepped. I went to the other side of the bed to put on my shoes and socks on. As I stood back upright I turned and saw more scars on his back like the one on the front of his torso. i walked over and hovered my hand over his back, tracing the scars with my fingers without really touching him. They were fingernail scratches. What could they be from? I didn't even want to think about it anymore, all the possibilities scared me.

I went to the door and opened it, slowly. I remembered not to shut it though or else it would creak. Tip-toeing through the hall, Carefully down the stairs, I was finally back in the living room. I quietly raced over to the cellar door unlocking it slowly so it wouldn't click too loudly. As soon as I opened the door Harry was already standing there, startling me. He jumped out enveloping me in a hug. It was so comforting to hug him. My tenseness wiped away temporarily and I wrapped my arms around his neck breathing in the fresh scent of his hair. The boys had all taken showers since we were probably going to be walking for a while. Part two of mission impossible was about to be set into action, get out of here and find help as soon as possible.

"Sorry." Harry muttered backing up. I didn't want to say anything but I was glad he hugged me.

Harry's P.O.V.

Liam stepped in after me giving Lydia a quick hug.

"What are you wearing?" Liam asked looking down at her baggy sweats.

"Oh... Rob gave these to me..." She said quietly. I sensed something had changed in her. Yes she was scared and sometimes a little meek through all this, who wouldn't be? But there was always a little glimmer of bravery in her eyes, even if she was scared she wouldn't give up, and there was always a sound of determination in her voice. Now the light in her eyes seemed dimmer, she seemed broken, and exhausted both physically and mentally. It hurt to see her like this. All I wanted to do was help but anything I did just seemed to make it worse. She was starting to open back up to me a little though which gave me hope.The rest of the boys made their way out, quietly and we circled in the kitchen.

"Alright. So we were thinking down there, and we figured that since we really have no idea where we are or how to get home we should probably bring some essentials with us." Liam whispered. I ducked over to the closet in the short hallway between the kitchen and living room and grabbed some backpacks that I knew Rob would have from the hiking trips he used to take me on.

"Perfect." Liam smiled grabbing a bag. There were only three so Liam took one, I took one and Louis grabbed the last one. We filled them with non-perishable food, bottles of water, and a knife in each bag.

"I think that's it. We should go now." Louis said looking around nervously.

"Yeah, just let me grab a couple more things." I said, "You guys go out ahead and plan which way we should go." The boys nodded and quietly made their way outside. Lydia started to follow them but I grabbed her arm. She spun around looking at me with frightened curiosity.

"I think we need to talk." I slowly whispered.

"Bout what?" She quickly asked back, I could tell she was nervous.

"Look, Lydia. I'm sorry about everything that's happened and whatever I've done to make you not like me. It's just, I really do like you and I can't remember anything I've done for you to treat me like this. Before we got kidnapped you used to love hanging out with me and we had a lot of fun, but once you found out Rob was my uncle you treated me differently. You started avoiding me and clinging to Liam like he was superman. It's not my fault what Rob's done. It's bad, I know, and I'm sorry you've had to go through this, but please, please, stop taking it out on me." It was a mouthful but I was glad to finally let out all those pent up feelings. She started crying and I instantly regretted everything I said. I should have left well enough alone, now I've hurt her more.

Stalker (1D fanfic) [Editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin