Help (2)

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Lydia's p.o.v.

(Point of view)

I looked back to see the man who had tried to kidnap me chasing after me. I darted my eyes around searching for a safe haven, just somewhere I would be ok until I could get back to my family. I zigzagged across the street looking for hiding places but he was right on my tail and gaining on me quickly. then I saw it, my window of opportunity. I glanced over my shoulder making sure he was far enough back that he wouldn't be able to see. I slipped quietly into a small cavity between a bakery and a movie rental place. I could hear faint screaming from the 1D concert somewhere far off and realized I hadn't paid attention during my getaway as to where I was going and had no idea where I was. crap.

I stiffened and held my breath as the man who tried to kidnap me ( whom I shall call Dave ) froze right in front of me and gasped for air. I silently studied him so I could report the information to the police. He had a pretty fit build, about 5' 10 and had brown short hair. he looked to be in his late thirties. He had the most amazing green eyes glowing in the night. A cry nearly escaped my lips as I realized he was staring right into my eyes. A chill crept down my back as I stood motionless in the shadows. could he really see me? suddenly he took a step toward where I was hiding. every instinct I had screamed at me to step back but I knew if I did that he would know I was here.

"Lydia? is that you?" he hoarsely whispered. how did he know my name?! "come on out dear I won't hurt you.... unless I need to."

Forgetting all common sense I started backing up. a wicked smile slowly spread across his stubbly face revealing white teeth that shone in the moonlight and he confidently walked toward me.

I was all the way against the back of the dark alleyway. my fingertips brushed against the cold brick stopping me from escape. who knows what would happen next? I peered over his shoulder at the unknowing people passing by without a care about the many events happening all around them. it was so loud here, nobody would notice if I screamed. the ally was to narrow for me to get past "Dave" so I just stood there helpless waiting for him as he quickly approached me.

"Thought you could get away eh? Guess you don't know me very well do you sweetheart? but I know all about you." what did he mean by that how did he know me?

"Who..." my voice cracked. "who are you?" I asked just above a whisper. I thought he didn't hear me at first until he finally spoke up. "Rob.... Rob Lowe." he grabbed me by the shoulders and started dragging me out of there. "and we're going to be happy arn't we? I've known you since you were a little older than your sister autumn." he babbled on. Ohmigosh has he been stalking me?!?!

"NO LET GO OF ME! GET OFF ME LET ME GO!!!!!" I screeched squirming and placing my feet in front of me resisting him. " c'mon darling..." He said. "HELP! HELP ME SOMEBODY ANYBODY HELP!!!!!!" I yelled. my mascara dripped down my cheek and the black tears stained my face. his grip hardened on my shoulders.

"Ok that's enough cut it out now!" he yelled getting more aggravated. I tried pushing and kicking him away but he was to strong. suddenly I noticed something black gleaming from his pocket. the gun! I took it and it was heavier than I thought. I went to point it at him but he grabbed it and yanked it out of my hands.

"I said that's ENOUGH!" he yelled smashing his fist into my temple. I yelped and fell to the wet dirty pavement. Thinking quickly I dragged myself in between his legs and got up to run when an indescribable pain burst into my knee. it almost felt as if my kneecap shattered into a million pieces and I looked down to see blood dripping from my knee and realized it might actually be in a million pieces. when I tried to run the pain was unbearable and I crumpled to the ground screaming out in pain.

"Can't run if you've got a bullet through your leg huh?" he chuckled. I crawled slowly away but he caught up with me picking me up in his arms like a baby and carrying me out of the alley. I just sobbed into my hands and thought all hope was lost. "where are you taking me?" I got out between sobs. "To my car. don't be scared just think of me as your new friend." he smiled down at me. I tried not to think about how his eyes twinkled when he smiled. suddenly I got an idea. "OFFICER HELP!" I yelled. he frantically looked around dropping me in the process. I took my chance and ran. or rather limped quickly I screamed almost the whole way because it hurt to put even a little bit of pressure on it and the only thing keeping me going was what would happen if I didn't.

I looked at my watch. twenty minutes until midnight. I physically couldn't move any longer and crumpled to the ground crying at the burning pain in my knee. where was Autumn and my mum? would I ever see them again? would Rob find me again? what if he took Autumn!?

I knew crying would help nothing and just make my headache worse but somehow I couldn't stop. so many things went wrong and nothing would ever be the same again. small dots of blood spotted the ground in a small parking lot behind a huge stadium where my knee lay limp. suddenly I heard quiet footsteps and held my breath listening closer but they had stopped. I started sobbing again when I heard footsteps coming closer and quicker.

Out of nowhere I felt something softly placed on my shoulder and jumped screaming at the top of my lungs. I stared into the too familiar green eyes.

"Woah there! calm down love it's ok!" shushed a thick British accent. this wasn't Rob... my tears ceased. When I took in the image of the curly chestnut hair that landed around his shoulders. "Wait, you're..." I choked out.

"Harry styles." he answered. "and you're...." he trailed off.

"Lydia." I finished for him slowly gaining my voice back.

His eyes widened as he scanned me. "are you ok?!" he yelled rushing to my still somewhat bleeding knee. "MATES!" he yelled over his shoulder and I heard several more footsteps.

That's when I saw them.

*authors note::::

Hey guys! sorry I'm not very good at this and nobody really is reading this but I hope you liked it if you do happen to be reading it! sorry if its too long or not long enough. comment to let me know what I can do better or if you even like the story or not. thanks! bye! ***

Stalker (1D fanfic) [Editing]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora