A Plan (11)

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Lydia's P.O.V.

        How could this have happened? Here we were in the basement of Harry's crazy uncle. We didn't know why and we didn't know what he was going to do or what would happen. Even worse, I was here with Rob's nephew, Harry. Don't get me wrong I like Harry, or at least I used too. I'm trying not to put any blame on him but it's hard to look at Harry the same way again. I look into those dazzling emerald eyes of his and all I can see is Rob. Harry said he promised that he would make all this better and I feel horrible knowing that he was blaming all of this on himself. None of this was his fault, even if it all started because Rob was driving to his concert. It was whoever's fault that got him into the accident, not Harry's fault.

        Liam came over and crawled up in top bunk next to me and sat there. My face was buried in a pillow but I could feel his eyes on me as I held back my tears. There were so many feelings going around me right now; Hopelessness of ever getting out of here, guilt for treating Harry this way and getting the boys into this mess, pain from all that Rob had done to me and the guys. I didn't know what to do anymore. How were we going to get through this?

"We'll get through this." Liam said as if he could read my thoughts. 

"How?" I asked with pain coating my voice. I looked up at him, all the hurt that I felt was showing in my eyes.

"I don't know..." He sighed defeated, "But I believe that Harry will find a way. When he puts his mind to something, he gets it done."

        I hoped he was right. I curled up and laid my head on his lap. He gently stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head whispering that we were all going to be ok and get through this together. Liam could always make me feel better. He could always comfort me and I was already feeling more hopeful. I thought I liked Harry but I just couldn't like him the way I thought I did anymore. I just couldn't knowing Rob was his uncle. But Liam was always there for me and when I looked at him I didn't see Rob, I saw a guy who had hope and truly cared about me and could take care of me. With Harry there was always a chance of Rob showing up, there were always going to be painful memories with him and I didn't think I could ever forget this.

"Okay guys, come here. We need to make a plan." Harry announced trying to gather everyone together. We did all gather, sitting on the couches. I sat next to Liam and he put his arm around me. Harry stood in front of us all, pacing back and forth, scratching his chin deep within thought.

"So, there are six of us and one of him. Everybody has a weakness. All we have to do-"

"Wait!" Niall shouted, "Wh-what if he has cameras, or mics down here? He'll hear our plan." He said in more of a whisper. We all looked at each other in surprise. 

"Yeah, good thinking Niall." Louis said patting him on the back.

"But, how would we know even if he did?" Zayn said looking around.

"Yeah, he could've hidden them." Louis added.

"That's true." Harry said with an aggravated sigh at the setback. Suddenly we heard the sound of the door to the basement unlocking and opening and we all nervously gathered around the bottom of the stairs.
"Once he gets down here, attack." Harry quietly whispered to all of us before turning back to the staircase. It seemed too easy but at the same time obvious. I made my way closer to the front, ready to pounce. Rob finally rounded the corner with a gun pointed directly at Liam. He yanked him forward by the shirt pressing the gun to his head.

"No!" I yelped, a tear cascading down my cheek. Rob looked at me with an devilish smile.
"What's the matter babe? You sure like this one don't you?" 
I just stared into Liam's fear stricken eyes praying that Rob wouldn't go so far as to kill him. He must've been watching us on cameras after all and now he was going to kill one of us off. Liam flinched at the click of the loaded gun and I took a brave step closer.
"You're getting braver." Rob smirked, "Do you still cry at every little thing?" Rob asked teasing me. I was about to defend myself when I realized he was right in a sense. I had reason to cry but that didn't mean I had to, it was time to be strong. Maybe Rob didn't need to know that though. I glanced down at my feet as if he had caught me red handed. 
"That's what I thought." He smiled menacingly. 

"I just came down to bring you dinner." Rob said. He shoved Liam against the wall and kicked Liam's knee with enough force to make him slide to the ground with a cry of pain. Still holding the gun to his head he grabbed a tray off the stairs full of food and jerked his head telling me to come take it. I sheepishly looked into his eyes before walking forward keeping up my weak act.

"Good girl." He said handing me the tray. I took it carefully so not to spill anything but he suddenly and roughly grabbed one of my wrists with his still free hand.

"Don't get too comfortable." He growled, pressing his forehead to mine and pointing the gun at me instead.
"You aren't here to hang out and be all buddy buddy with my nephew and his friends."

"Why am I here?" I shot back finding an opportunity to finally know the secrets he's been keeping. He stood back in shock but then a smile that I knew meant something bad crept onto his face and he gathered his thoughts.

"Tonight. You spend tonight with me, I don't trust you sleeping down here with all these boys. Maybe if you behave, just maybe, I'll tell you." He said backing up obviously pleased with himself. 
"I'll be back for you tonight Lydia." He said before leaving.

        I just stood there dumbfounded. I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen. What was he going to do. Liam got up from his spot on the floor and placed a hand on my shoulder and tried to comfort me but I was just blank. Be strong I reminded myself. I put on a small 'I'm OK' smile and placed the tray on the island. I ate with the rest of them for their sake but I wasn't hungry.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" Liam asked watching me pick at the small portion of food I had on our paper plates. Of course nothing was given to us that could've been used against Rob, I didn't know how he could be so smart and careful with every little detail. What could we do? Paper-cut him to death? I'm afraid not. I looked around me at the rest of the boys, everyone else had finished eating but Liam still sat with me at the island. Zayn and Louis were quietly chatting on one of the sofas, Niall was lying on one of the bunks staring at the ceiling with a blank expression and Liam was sitting with me doing the best he could to make me feel better but to no avail. Where was Harry? It was then that I noticed the bathroom door was closed. I said I wanted to sit on one of the couches as an excuse to be closer to the bathroom and Liam came over to sit with me. I tried my best to listen to what Harry was doing since it sounded so quiet in there and discovered quiet sobs escaping every now and then. Guilt hit me like a sack of bricks. I was determined to find a way out for all of us and my strength came back a little with my determination. I got them into this mess and I  was going to get them out of it. I had a plan.

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