The Last Straw (18)

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      *2098 words*

So Harry had yet another one of his plans to get out of his uncle's damp, dark basement? The last one turned out with us being separated into two different rooms. I couldn't imagine what he could've possibly come up with this time.

"Harry, I'm not so sure-"

"No really, I think this one might work. Well, at least part of it." He said into the drain pipe that connected our two rooms.

"Part of it?!" I questioned, "Only part of a plan working is like suicide Harry. We can't risk it."

"Just hear me out for a second. My room is a little different then yours, it looks more like a storage room with all these boxes in here. My chains are very rusty and old, and if I can reach these pliers I found in one of the boxes, I think I will be able to break the chains." This was all good news but I didn't see how it would help us escape.

"That still doesn't help you get through the steel doors." I pointed out for him.

"Wrong again, my door is steel but it doesn't slide like yours, It opens on hinges like a normal door and I can get the pins out of the hinges so the door will come right off."

"And then you'll be free..." I stated. I wanted to be happy for him but I also didn't want to lose him again. I felt selfish for it but I was scared to be alone.

"Not quite.." He paused, "Not until I can figure out the other half of the plan. How to get you out."


"No, Lydia. I'm not leaving without you. I didn't come all this way just to get beat up by my uncle and then leave again." 

I didn't bother trying to fight him because in all honesty I was glad he was going to stay with me.

"The only way I can figure us both getting out of here is if I wait until night, sneak into the house while he is sleeping and get the keys." Harry thought out loud.

"That's crazy, you'll never know when he is sleeping." I persisted.

"The only way we are escaping is if we try. Sometimes you just have to take risks in life." Harry said. Why did he have to be right.

      We went through the day working out the kinks we could in the plan, in-between visits from Rob. Finally it was nightfall and time to put this horrible plan into action. After Rob left for what we could only guess was the last time for the day, Harry got the pliers and successfully broke free of his chains. He was able to get the door off too. Now was the part we were both afraid of. I felt like puking up the little food I had in my stomach with all the nerves. It was do or die. We said our goodbye's and I just wished I could hug him before he left.

                                                                                          Harry's P.O.V.

     I tried to seem brave, hoping it would help keep Lydia calm but let's face it, this was a 'shaking in your boots' moment. Not to mention what if I had to confront Rob. I've been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking today, you never think you will end up in these types of situations. You see them on the news or internet, but never really stop and realize it could just as easily happen to you. I also thought of how close to death Lydia, the boys and I have come and that led me to another thought. If it came down to it, would I actually have the guts to kill Rob if I needed to? It's easy to think 'Just kill him!' in scenarios that seem stupid not to, but actually doing it is a whole different thing. Taking someones life is no light matter, and I for one do not feel in a place of authority to do so.

Stalker (1D fanfic) [Editing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora