Lexa Ansichten

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I was a normal girl. Average B student. Sometimes, I even managed an A. Moderately fit. I wasn't the fastest, but I made it into the top 15 runners in school. I was taller than average, had a pretty good figure. I wasn't a nerd, I wasn't a popular, but I'm pretty sure I was above average in that, too.

That's what I was — a bit above average in everything — academics, sports, beauty. I was normal.

Most people would be happy with that. But, was I?

Answer: no.

I wanted to be popular. I knew I couldn't make to the top in track team. I knew I couldn't change my height. Not, my figure — I would need a lot of money for a plastic surgery. I knew I didn't need to cake my face with make up — I didn't want to be totally plastic either. And to come top of the class, I had to read for myself.

So, when the Greek/Roman gods, Norse gods and Egyptian Magicians (the gods of Egypt had retreated to sort of a self-exile) revealed themselves, I — despite the warning of the gods — told everyone to be daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, war and crafts. I did my research, unlike Brittney, who called herself a daughter of Artemis, goddess of wisdom and beauty and the Queen of Olympus.

I mean, please gurl. Not true.

She got called out by a nerd, so she left the school.

Just when the clique was short of a member, I announced myself as a demigod. No one needed to know it not the truth. I struck when they were the most vulnerable. I really might be a demigod daughter of Athena.

I got called in. I accepted. Now, I have the popular clique privileges, meaning, I have jocks pining after me — well, not so much because I still haven't rose to higher ranks, but there are 2-3.

Everything was perfect. Until she came.

Annabeth Chase.

She was naturally pretty.

Abnormally speedy

Insanely smart.

Absolutely strong (she flipped two football players at once).

Not to forget super-hot.

She made me brown curls (which, Bee-Tee-double-u, I wash and condition every other. Use all kinds of beauty products to make it appear shiny and bouncy) look limp, even when she tosses them up in a high pony.

She has a muscular build.

She has those grey eyes, which seem to change along with her mood.

Overall, she made us other girls look dull. Heck, she made the new queen look like a rag doll in the trash, and that's when she looks like she hasn't slept all night.

Oh, and she was kind.

The thing that irked me the most was the that, she didn't let anyone tell her what to do. Not even the math teacher, who had seemed to be her second favourite.

Mrs-Math-Teacher came to know that Annabeth wasn't Christian. No prob with me. But, Mrs-Math-Teacher didn't seem to like it. So, one day, she came into class, and all of a sudden, said, that Annabeth had to go to Sunday school.

The class went something like this:

As usual, Annabeth had been the first one in class. I didn't have any friends from my clique for this class, so I sat to myself.

Lately, Mrs-Math-Teacher had been very angry, since we came to that the gods are real. So, when they revealed that, it was not just them, but, Jesus, Allah, Buddha and the other gods of all religion were real, but the Greeks/Romans were the rulers, she had sort of exploded the next day in class.

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