Patricia Saphire (Percabeth, Pipercy, Persassy)

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The expression on his face was priceless.

  He being Percy Jackson. He was missing for a few months and came in hotter than before.

  Me? Oh, I'm just the most important and popular person in Goode High. And I wanted him. When he said no, the lunch room started snickering, so I dumped my plate of spaghetti on his shirt.

  "That's what you get for rejecting me." I said and everybody laughed.

  I flipped my hair and walked away. I saw him walk out and walk in after a few minutes, in a new shirt. He got 2 plates of spaghetti and sat down at his table.

  I was just talking and gossiping, when the whole room fell silent. Everyone was looking on top of my head.

(You thought she was a demigod, didn't you?)

(She's not)

I looked up and saw 2 white circles held by 2 calloused hands. They moved apart to show the mischievous, smirking face of Percy. He winked at me and emptied the plates on me. Turns out, he likes me. No. He likes extra sauce.

  I stand up and screech, "How dare you?"

  "What'd I do?" He asked innocently.

  "This." I gestured to my ruined state.

  "You did the same thing."

  "You rejected me." I screamed.

  "That's my wish. You don't have a say in that."

  "I'll get you kicked out of the school."

  "I don't care. Wait." he thought for a while and said. "I'll think about it if you wash my shirt. Right now. Piper'll make sure that only you do it." He said. Maybe it would be fine. No. What am I thinking?

  "Go wash." Piper said and I turned on my heels and walked to the restroom with Piper following me.

  I washed the shirt and returned it to Percy.

  "Now my kiss." I ask.

  "What kiss?" He said.

  "You said you would go out with me if I washed this shirt."

  "I said I will think about it."

  "Then think."

  He stood there, tapping his feet, hand scratching his chin. "No thanks."

  "You have to go out with me." I said.

  "Okay, then, come on." He said. He winked at Piper and pulled me along.

  We stopped outside the school. He pushed me and sprinted back in. Confused, I followed him.

  "Why did you leave me?" I asked.

  "What? I didn't leave you. You were slow." He said.

  "I'm your girlfriend." I said.

  "No you're not."

  "You agreed to go out with me." I said.

  "Yeah so?" He asked, examining his nails.

  "So. . ." I said
  "We already went out and came in. Do you have amnesia or something?" At this, Piper started laughing.

  "Ugh." I groan.

  "That's what you get when you try to outsass Persassy." He said and walked away, flipping his non existent long hair and swaying his waist.

  The whole room started laughing. Hard.

  What I didn't know was that, Piper had recorded the whole thing and the next day, the whole school, even the teachers knew about it.

  To ruin it even more, the next day, a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes was kissing him. I was angry.

  I pulled them apart and said, "What are you doing?" In a calm voice which scares the hell out of most people. But they looked bored.

  "Kissing my fiancée" she said.

  "W-wha-" I spluttered.

  "Do you want another episode of humiliation?" Piper asked from behind, recording the whole thing. Again.

  "Act like a monkey." She said and I did.

  And now, the whole school knows about that too.

  I've learnt a lot of things. Don't mess with Pipercy or Percy or Piper or Annabeth or Percabeth or try to outsass Persassy.


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