Macey Simmons (Percabeth)

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Hey, I'm Macey. I'm a loser. Me and my friends, Mckenzie, Lily, James, and Brett were all bullied. That is, until Percy came.

  It's been a year since he came. He's the most popular guy at school and that's the only reason no one notices us. Otherwise, everyone would be bullying us.

  Lily and James are dating, so are Brett and I. I don't have a crush on Percy. Mckenzie does. Everyone knows that. Except Percy.

  It's the last period before lunch and that's the bell. Mckenzie, Lily and I (When I typed Lily and I, the autocorrect changed I to James.) were walking to the Cafeteria.

  "I'm gonna ask Percy out." Mckenzie says.

  "This is the day we've been waiting for." I squeal.

  "Come on, let's go." Lily pulls us to our table, where the Brett and James are sitting.

  Then, a blonde girl walks in. She was the definition of beauty. There wolf whistles and cat calls as soon as she entered. But one glare from her enough to silence them. Or maybe the fact that fact that she just judo flipped a guy.

  She came to our table and asked "Do you know where Percy is?"

  "Why do you want to know?" Mckenzie asked.

  Just then, Percy came in, "Annabeth?" he asked.

  "Yup." She said, turning around.

  He put his lunch down and hugged her. Then, kissed her.

  "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Annabeth."

  Suddenly Mckenzie stood up and shouted. "Why did you choose her over me. I've liked you for a year and you don't even notice me. I-"

  "Because I have loved Annabeth for the past 3 years. She knows me the best and loves me better than anyone else. You'll never be able to replace her. I thought you were my friend."

  "And I thought you knew how to choose girls. But I guess you just chose a dumb blonde." She said.

  Annabeth's eyes turned stormy.

  "What. Did you just call me?" she asked.

  "A dumb blonde." Annabeth surged forward and slapped her. Mckenzie lifted her hand to slap her back, but she caught it and twisted it. Mckenzie looked at Percy, thinking he would say something, but he didn't.

  "Correct me if I'm wrong. A dumb blonde won't be the official architect of a city. And I don't think any of you have a job. Who's dumb now?" As soon as Annabeth left her hand, she yelped and ran out. Percy just kissed Annabeth.

  Lily ran after Mckenzie, while we talked to Percy.

"She liked you Percy. You should not have done this to her."

  "Yeah? Then what should I have done to Annabeth?"

  We were all speechless. I mean, what could anyone say to that.

  "You guys don't know the half of me, yet I let you call me your best friend." He said.

  "We know that we are all you have. Don't talk to us. Let's see who'll take you in." Brett said. "You're a jerk."

The moment he said that, almost everyone in the mess stood up.

  There were shouts like, 'Percy, here.' And 'We told you not to sit with them' and 'You can't trust those people.'

  We just forgot that he was popular. But he just sat at an empty table with Annabeth.

  Lily came back with Mckenzie. She thanked us for comforting us.

  The whole day, Percy and Annabeth were together. Acting as if nothing happened.

  No one bullied us. Yet.

Time skip. To next. Day.

We were standing at our lockers, which were next to each other and Percy.

  I saw Percy walking towards us. Brett was smirking. He's coming back to us. But then we noticed a huge group of super models around him. (the 7, Calypso, Traitie, Chrisse, Coranda, Solangelo, Reyna and Thalia.)

  Percy opened his locker, not even acknowledging our existence. Then, a Cherokee girl, walked to us and said, "I'm Piper McLean. I wo-"

  But Brett cut her off. "We won't take you in. No need to pretend as if your Tristan McLean's daughter."

  All of them started laughing. "First off, I am  Tristan McLean daughter. I can call Dad right now, if you want." She said. She fished out her phone and video called her Dad. Which was Tristan McLean.

  The moment his voice sounded, students flocked her.

  Tristan McLean waved and told everyone that Piper really was his daughter.

  She cut the call and said,"Secondly, I don't want to be friends with back stabbers. I just wanted to tell you that Percy is the best guy out there. The best son, the best friend, the best brother, the best boyfriend, the best fiancée,"

  Annabeth held up her hand which had a ring. Mckenzie was sobbing.

  "He will be the best husband and father. He has at least 300 hundred friends. You are not the only ones he has. You are just jerks who had the chance to be in his life. But you lost it." She smirked and said. "Percy, make out with Annabeth."

  His eyes glazed over and he pinned Annabeth to his locker, her hands above her head and started kissing her. The school cheering. Mckenzie tried to get out of the crowd, but they just pushed her forward.

  After that, Percy and his group were the favourites. Everyone, even the teachers liked them. A popular tried his luck and bullied us a little. When, Percy didn't say anything, they went back to their original routine of bullying us.

  The next year, there was a van, a few SUVs, a few busses full of teenagers and children. There were banners and stickers on saying 'PERCABETH MARRIAGE'.

  People were sitting on hoods and roofs. Music was blaring loudly from them. Mr Blofis and a woman came out of a blue Prius. Annabeth and Percy ran to them.

  "Party day after tomorrow. Long Island Sound. Be there!" Percy shouted and drove away. Leaving Mckenzie in hysterics.

Okay, so I know that the demigods won't do that, no matter what someone does to them. But I'm in a really sucky mood, so, yeah.

And I'm really sorry, I haven't been able to post.


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