Taapsee Eilish (All Couples)

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It's Valentine's Day. Yayyy!!

My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday.

  I hate all boys. All the couples. They're all trash. It's all just an act. Ugh.

  I sat moping in front of a flower shop. Wrong spot. I know. I saw people came and go. Buying flowers. But one hunk. Stayed longer than the others. He was, maybe 17, but way too built. Black hair and maybe brown eyes. He seemed Asian. (not being racist.)

  He was choosing flowers. Of many colours. Pink, purple, blue, white, yellow. He even took the black ones. There were only a dozen and they costed a fortune.

  He called a few people and asked them if they wanted it. They all seemed to say yes because he took all of them.

  The bouquet was wrapped in a translucent gold cover.

  I decided that I would follow him. And tell his girlfriends that he was cheating on all of them. All those flowers had to be for different girlfriends.

  He walked a metres, when 3 guys greeted him. Two of them seemed to be twins and the other was maybe their brother. They all had curly brown hair and mischievous blue eyes. The third seemed more built than the twins.

  The hunk stopped and looked behind him. "I have a feeling that someone is following me." He said.

  Shit. I hid in the nearest alley. There were new footsteps and voices. A few minutes later, the voices stopped and footsteps receded. A phone rang. I peeped to see built guys walking away in all directions, all of them had a black flower in their bouquets.

  "Hey, Gem." . . . "Be there in two." he said and started walking.

  I followed him and entered a cafe. He sat across a dark skinned girl with gold eyes. He gave her the bouquet, hugged her and pecked her once. Not too mushy. Good.

  I waited for him to leave so I could see his other girlfriends. At last he stood, but she stood with him. Any time now. He's gonna leave her here.

  But he draped and arm around her and walked with her. "Let's meet the others,"

  What? He's gonna introduce her to his other girlfriends?

  "Us guys have got a surprise for you girls." he said.

  Oh, so they're meeting with the other couples. Nothing good here. I left.

  Not even two minutes later, I saw another couple. The girl was holding a bouquet with a black among the others. So this was also one of them.

  The guy seemed nervous. They were both around 17. Same age. Unlike the former couple. The girl was at 3 years younger than the guy.

  "Why are you nervous, Jay?" the girl asked. Probably because he's got so many other girl friends to meet.

  "Just — I'm just nervous that — that I might do something — unromantic and your mum might zap me."

  "She won't zap you if it could kill me."

  "How would that be?" He asked.

  He had barely finished the sentence when she slammed him against the wall. "She can't zap you without killing me now." She crushed lips on his.

  Ugh. I left.

  Again within 2 minutes, I met another couple.

  They were around 20. I recognised the guy as one of the twins. The taller one. The girl had a bouquet with a black flower among others. She had wavy brown hair and green eyes.

  Suddenly, she started waving. "Miranda! Connor! Over here!"

  The second twin and another girl who looked similar walked towards them. Up close, you could tell that they weren't twins. The second couple was 18, maybe 19.

  "Chris and Clarisse are gonna meet us here." The girl, Miranda said. "Oh, there they are."

  "Chris." The two (maybe) brothers called their (maybe) brother.

  Another couple. Both of them were buff and built. All 3 girls' bouquets had a black flower in them. They were talking about meeting in the beach or something, when I left. That makes 5 couples.

  No. Make that 6.

  There was a guy on crutches and a cute girl with elven features. They were both looking at each other all lovey-dovey, so I took a turn. But, not before seeing that the girls' bouquet also had a black flower amongst the many different kinds.

  This was the worst day ever. I was gonna go back home when — A fight. At last. Oh, thank god. A girl with cinnamon hair, caramel eyes and pouty lips was shouting at a boy. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes.

  "SHUT UP!" She bellowed.

  "Make me." The guy grinned.

  "Oh, I will." She slammed her lips against his.






  Ugh. I take another turn.

  A wrong turn.

  A blonde girl and black haired guy were there. He was twirling her around, while she giggled. She also held a bouquet. And you guessed right. Black flower. Another couple. Atleast they are properly matched.

  A few minutes later I saw a couple. Two opposites. A guy who literally radiated sunshine and a guy who literally radiated death.

  Like Whaaaa!

  I don't even hang around much. I decided on going to the beach. Not 5 five minutes after I reached the beach, a van pulled up and all couples spilled out. All the girls put up towels and stuff, while the guys went to buy food. I decided that I would help them live a better life.

  I walked up to them and said, "Look,  girls, I know that you love your boyfriends." They looked and the me like I was a monster. Their hands went to their hips or heir boots, like they were gonna pull out guns or knives.

  "I also know that you think they love you. But they're probably flirting with some girl right now." They all looked towards they guys.

  There was another couple apart from them. The girl looked like Courtney from my high school. The rich, popular, spoiled kid. And the guy looked like a thug. Turns out it wasn't a couple. The girl tried to push him away, but when he didn't, the guys noticed and chased him away.

  "Toldja." I smirked at them.

  "Look back." They told me. And when I did, I saw the girl practically sticking to one of them. He pushed her away, but when she didn't go the guy who fighting with his girlfriend earlier pulled her off and broke her nose.

  "Toldja." They chorused.

  The guys came back and their girlfriends told them what happened they all, instead of looking nervous, they burst out laughing.

  Frustrated as hell, I walked away. A few moments later, I heard clapping and when I turned around I saw the blonde girl wearing a ring. A promise ring.

  The guy chickened out. Couldn't even propose to his girlfriend. Or maybe it was just the fact that he wasn't even 20. But I think it was the first one.

  They're gonna leave them, I swear. You just wait and watch.

  But, guess what? I was wrong. All of them grew up to be celebrities. Each one of them had at least one company and a dozen awards. They got married, had kids, who mostly married one another, and lived happily ever after.

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