13: Rest In Piece

Start from the beginning

"With almost a hundred people in the club, you just found your inner urge to kill Haden?!"

"Yes," He answered and tried to walk past her.

"No!" She pulled him back, grabbing his black tee into a bunch.

"Hey!" He protested.

"You will not kill him." She stood her ground.

This awakened curiosity in him. Her wide eyes with a hint of fear and anxiety in them, made him question why she cared about this. He thought she wanted to get rid of him or did he read her wrong.

He held the hand that was holding his shirt and pulled her, jerking her close to his face.

"Enough!" He yelled, making her jump.

"Now, why don't you tell me why you don't want him killed?" He asked in a hushed tone. His extremes were driving her crazy.

She decided to answer hoping that would stop him, "I-I like him."

Keir stared at her with a blank face. He was silent. Ten seconds passed then half a minute but he stared at her expressionless.

Suddenly he burst out laughing like he heard the best joke in the century. He released the grip on her hand and walked two steps around, laughing to himself.

"Keir?" He kept laughing.

"What's so funny?!"

Selene glared at still laughing Keir beside her. Few moments later, he got a grip on himself.

"You want me to believe that you like that shit bag when you were squirming under his touch less than an hour ago?" He said in between his bubbling laughs.

"Were you watching me?!"

He pursed his lips and gave a half shrug, "That's not the point."

Selene was speechless. She didn't know what else to do, most importantly she was tired of explaining to someone who was hell bent on killing.

"I'm guessing that I can resume." He walked past her.

She huffed and stomped her leg. She can't let him kill Haden, so she ran after him.

"Wait! Wait!" She stood in front of him. "He is," She gulped trying to put out words, "He is more important to me alive than dead. That's all I can say."

He released a sigh. Selene almost thought that he would give up, but who was she kidding? He is a psychopath, for crying out loud.

"Still, I want his blood drained," He nodded, feigning apology.

They almost walked half way through the parking lot but Selene was adamant on stopping him in this wrestling battle of theirs.

"Keir, stop! Stop!" She said in a desperate tone. "Just don't kill him, I'll do anything -" She cut herself off realising the mistake she made.

A slow curve formed on his pink moulds. "Anything?" He asked.

It was too late to deny, she already fell into this neck deep.

She sighed and nodded, "Anything," and added, "but sexual favours."

His smirk grew wide, "Oh trust me angel, I don't have to ask for it."

Selene would have usually laughed at his smugness but now it's different. She is going to make a deal that might have fatal repercussions.

"Okay." Keir broke the silence, "I won't kill him. For now."

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