Chapter Seven

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I was three hours into my flight and I had slept for it all, I had woken up to the sound of babies crying and engines breaking. I had heard the flight attendants scream out for all the passengers to stay calm but the plane was dropping, swerving out of control and heading for a crash.

I never really listened to when the air hostesses spoke about the 'in case of emergencies' because a plane crashing always seemed like something that only ever happened in the movies but now I was in one, I wished I had listened. My head was pounding, the air was suffocating, human cries wailed over the sound of the engines cracking. The plane swayed from side to side, dropping and dipping. I had been hulled out of my seat by a sudden jolt from the plane and now I was laying awkwardly on the floor, feeling my pulse run throughout my whole body. My mind was ridden with 'what ifs' as I stumbled backwards and slammed into the side of the plane- hitting my head in the process. This action was repeated until all I could hear was the murmur of the captain's instructions and the gentle call of my phone. And then nothing.

Chester's POV//

Our lives can be made and broken and made again in one single day. When you think you've found your happily ever after its as if nothing or no one could ever stand in your way- you're invincible. And then something happens, maybe even a phone call and it breaks down your hero false facade that was so quickly built and every brick falls down on you all at once. That's what happened to me anyway. I was certain I had found her, my metaphorical 'one' but then my phone rang and that wall, the one which held me together tumbled down. Many things run through your mind when the hospital ring in the middle of the night, every bad scenario possible but somehow, when you actually find out why they're calling, it's the biggest shock and it blows you back as you go stumbling a thousand paces. The words 'plane crash' and 'Grace' rattled through my body and I was left feeling numb. A few hours ago I thought my life could only get better but now, just like the plane crash Grace was in, it was plummeting down. The doctors didn't tell me any more than the basics; there was a plane crash and Grace was okay but there are many measures of okay- a million different possibilities of the state she could be in. I drove to the hospital in a state of panic, ignoring every red light and angry driver. When I arrived at the hospital I sprinted to Grace's ward and when I arrived at the door I slowly opened it, cautious to see what lay there. Monitors surrounded Grace's beautiful frame and all I wanted to do was run up to her and hold her like we were back in New York but a body had beat me to it, he clung to her hand and when I walked in he immediately dropped it and strolled up to me. A pang of jealously ran through me along with confusion and a weird sense of pride because whoever this guy was, I was Grace's.

"Hey, you must be Chester! Nice to meet you." He stuck out his hand for me to shake and I returned it.

"Yeah,yeah I am. Sorry, who are you?" He smiled at me, it reminded me of Grace's smile; and then I realised.

"I'm Tim, Grace's brother."

"Of course you are, how is she?"

We both turned to Grace and as I walked up to her side and gently lifted her hand I could hear Tim leave the room. I kissed her hand and studied her face, she was exactly the same with just a few more scratches and bruises. The doctors said that she was suffering with concussion, that she'd come around soon enough; to me every hour that passed seemed like days. I remained by her side all through the night and only when the nurses told me that I needed to get some sleep myself,I reluctantly went home and this repeated for days. Grace woke up after her sixth day in hospital and it was the smallest squeeze of her hand which made me know she was going to be alright. On the seventh day she was discharged. We spent the whole day lazing around just like we did before she left. We hadn't discussed when Grace would be going back home, when anything would be happening; because for now,the only thing that mattered was that Grace was back in my arms.

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