Chapter Fifty-Two

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Grace's POV

"Pardon?" Chester asked confused as the nurse approached us with a smile.

If I'm honest I knew what she was about to say, I had had my suspicions but I didn't want to own up to the truth.

I assumed it was the cancer, it being the only reasonable explanation for what was happening to me right now but something within me knew that when I was told it was all okay, when they said I was healthy again I knew it was the truth. So something inside of me wouldn't let my brain register whatever was happening to me as being cancerous; I almost felt positive.

Chester held my hand as the lady began to talk- a smile which was comforting. She held papers in her hand and it was as if I could see right through them. As if I knew.

"Your blood results came back- and you'll be glad to know that the cancer hasn't come back and you're still healthy, everything's okay." I could feel Chester's hand relax beneath mine.

"So what exactly happened?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"You said you were swimming right? Well the water temperature and the outside were a rapid change and mixing with morning sickness it doubled the nausea."

"Morning sickness?" Chester asked, suddenly staring into my eyes.

"Yes, Grace seems to be suffering severe cases of it and the movement of her previous activities added to the effects. It should pass within a few weeks and it's totally morning in pregn-"

"Pregnant women." Chester's voice rattled through the room. My body tingling with fear and excitement. The nurse smiled to herself and when she left the room I immediately sat up straight as Chester grinned back at me.

"We're going to be parents?" He whispered under his breath, his happiness evident.

"Yes." I grinned up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he embraced me. He pulled away and kissed me gently, smiling as our lips locked.

This was not how I had expected to feel though and the only way I could describe it was like asking for something for a long time and when you finally receive it the giver asks you to close you eyes, to put your hands out and take the unknown gift. And suddenly, when you're hands are open, eyes closed, the most vulnerable you've ever been, you don't want the gift anymore.

It seemed like a hideous thought and I tried to banish it as soon as I could but it knew it would naw at the back of my mind for the whole pregnancy.

"It's going to be okay Grace, you don't need to be scared." Chester soothed into my hair- like he could read all my thoughts.

"Yeah." I mumbled, trying to diminish my fear. Trying to reassure myself.

"And I'm not going anywhere."

See You Around~ Grester (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz