Goodbye- Author's Note

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When you read this it may seem stupid of pathetic but I want you to carry on because it would really mean a lot if you read to the final sentence.

I describe writing fanfiction as a journey and I can only justify that as because it purely is. It's been months of blood, sweat and tears, times where I've wanted to throw my phone across a bridge and delete my fanfic because it was so stressful and other times where it's the only place that brings happiness.

A lot of stuff, some good some bad, has happened over the last few months and sometimes it felt like the only steady thing was this, was you. Sometimes it felt like my sanity and my security could only be found in words on a screen, in you. And sometimes it felt like my world was being lifted up and shaken and the only thing which could make the world stand still was See You Around, was you.

I want to thank you, each and every one of you in particular. Whether you've read this from the beginning or have only just caught up I really appreciate every vote and every comment. I know who you are and if I could reach out to the screen and hug you I would. Thank you for totalling up my reads and my smiles; it honestly means the world. I am sincerely grateful for everything you've done even if all it is is reading a new chapter, because it is so much more to me. Thank you!

I know I'm really not the best writer so I appreciate that you've stayed to read it all. You're cool.

There's a few people I need to thank in particular though, and although I hope they know this already I feel I need to tell them again because they're under-appreciated and they honestly deserve a million thank you's.

I want to start by thanking my faucet-friend- forever, @sunshinelou ! Thanks for ranting, crying, screaming, shouting and fangirling with me; I'd be lost without your guidance and support. I started my fanfic in December 2014 and uploaded it in January 2015 and you were the only person who didn't judge me and accepted whatever the hell this thing is. Thank you for staying with me from January to July. Thank you for being the best real life friend and online friend I could ask for, I don't deserve your stupid face. I'm so proud of you for starting to write a fanfic (even if it's disappeared into deep dark Wattpad bins now) because before that you didn't think you could write which is very very silly because you're phenomenal and every chapter you get better which for me, who classes myself as your fanfic coach, is so great to see! Your fanfiction is incredible and truly a work of art. Thank you for reading my chapters months and months before they need to go up and still being excited when it's actually the right time to upload them, (seriously, I wrote the last chapter in April). Thank you for proof-reading when I can't be bothered to do it myself. Thank you for giggling with me whenever I needed cheering up and crying when reality comes. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on and a heart to confide in. Thank you for being my best-friend through everything. I love you Lottie and hope you destroy (in the best way ofc) the wattpad world; you deserve every single bit of it. PS- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

I made a best-friend from See You Around and I can't put into words how much that means to me.  You started off by just commenting on my chapters and I remember grinning like an idiot every time you'd reply. And now we never stop texting and laughing and I will never forget how it all began because that made me so happy it's unreal. You were the first internet friend I had and I won't let that go. I hope one day we can eat cheesecake together. Thank you for everything you've done and I appreciate it all. Thank you so much @angel-helbig (go read her grester fic; you have me to thank for making her write it!). Thank you thank you thank you! I love you so much xx

There is so many more people I could thank and part of me wants to thank everyone on my notifications, everyone who has voted but I feel as if we'd be here forever so just know I appreciate it all.

Aside from all that, you lot reading this now are real people I need to be thanking and I love you all.

It's been crazy to think about my time writing this fanfic. From being bored and writing random grester to airing my words to the world; it's crazy but I've loved every second. We've had some good times me and you and I can't imagine not writing fanfic and that is why there will be more! So keep me in your libraries (yes I did just speak from the book's perspective) because there is more to come in terms of an epilogue and I will shamelessly self promote a sequel when the time comes around!

I've been writing this for nine months and my friend (@sunshinelou) yesterday pointed out that it 'feels like it's your baby and you're giving birth' and as weird but wonderful as that sounds I couldn't agree more. Like this thing, this fanfic, is my little secret and I'm scared to let it go. I'm afraid in a way because if one chapter wasn't that great I could make it better with many more but when I upload this and click complete its free like a baby bird (roll with it) and that's so weird to imagine that something which has been going on for nine months will come to an end but I guess it's inevitable so if you hate the ending I sincerely apologise and I hope I haven't wasted nine months of your life!

Overall, everything that you guys have done for me is exceptional. To think that people actually enjoy what I am writing is ridiculous and heart-warming and I will always think of this fanfic as just a fangirl's crazy mind rather than a book with thousand of reads.

I want to urge you all to write your own fanfic if you have any desire to! It's a wonderful experience and I hope you love it as much as I have. *gets emotional because I am now speaking in the past tense*. Just take a chance and go for it, if no one reads it then who cares this is your fanfic and you should do it for you. If you do have a fanfic then comment and I shall read them all immediately (because I evidently have nothing better to do with my life).

You can always dm me to chat just because, I promise I'm less serious than I am on here. By serious I mean worse grammar and more typos. Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much I have and now it's time to take just a few more steps to the end.

So, here is the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it, love it and feel some emotion by it.

I'll see you around,
Thank you.

Zoë, your biggest fan x

See You Around~ Grester (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant