Chapter Thirty-One

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Grace's POV

I twisted the ring around my finger, the diamond staring me in the face. Telling me this was real, this was happening. I liked the way it looked on my finger, a big rock to resemble what my heart says. I liked the way it could always make me smile.

"Sooo, what do you want to do today?" Chester asked coming out from the shower with a towel wrapped around his lower half.

"I don't know? What do you want to do?" I asked.

He ran a hand through his wet hair and shook it out, the action making my body do weird things.

"Hmm maybe we should just stay here, right here." He said, moving further onto on the bed so he was on top of me.

He pressed his lips to mine, moving his hands up and down my waist. I ran my hand through his hair as our lips moved in harmony. He deepened the kiss as his hands travelled down to my hips and mine guided up his shirt, feeling his toned chest.

"Okay." I whispered breathlessly, grinning as he pulled my shirt over my head.

Eventually we left the hotel, holding hands we wandered to Central Park, doing nothing in particular but the moment was perfect. I stared at all the couples and thought back to the days where I used to fear not having anyone. My biggest fear when I was younger was being alone, never finding someone to spend my life with so for years I pretended that I didn't want it, that settling down wasn't my thing. That was never the truth though. The truth was that I longed for a life like everyone else's and now that I have that, I can't help but wonder if people envy me.

I studied this girl who sat a few feet away, she was surrounded with books and paper and it was as if I was staring at my past. I regretted spending all that time working when I could have been out enjoying life but if I had to do it all again to get the life I have now, then I wouldn't change a thing. I was incredibly honoured to have him sitting next to me now, I didn't deserve Chester.

"It's gonna wear away if you keep doing that you know?" Chester smirked-pulling me away from my gaze. I looked up at him confused, he smiled sweetly.

"Your ring, you've been twisting it around your finger ever since you got it."

"Oh, maybe I just like the feel of it." I smiled back at him with mischievous eyes.

"That's good." He said, his cheeky grin appearing. He quickly kissed my cheek before standing up.

"I'm just going to get some coffee. Back in a second."

It was stupid but I missed him already. I laid back against the grass, the sun shining down on my face. I couldn't even begin to comprehend how I had got to this place. I silently thanked everyone who had ever had a lasting impression on me, feeling immensely grateful for where I was now. Where I stood today was a thousand feet in the right direction from anywhere I expected to be and I could never thank Chester enough for creating this human that I was actually happy with. I thought back to the very first day we met; feeling as if it was centuries ago. I could feel my eyes begin to water as I thought about the affect Chester had had on me that day, the way my whole body was filled with this feeling I could never explain. I never imagined that I would be here today, I couldn't believe it.

I liked the way he had changed my life, I liked the way everything he ever did made me feel like the happiest woman alive. I liked the way he made me a better person, the way I could feel my heart burst when we made contact. And I loved how much he loved me.

Chester's POV

I walked back with two drinks in my hand but stopped just before I got to Grace. I couldn't help but smile; she seemed so much happier. Her eyes were brighter and her smile bigger. She refused to tell me what they had said in the hospital until we were home, claiming that it would 'ruin our trip'. To be honest that just made me more worried. She seemed okay though so I tried to forget all about it and focus on what was happening right now.

I couldn't believe it. Firstly, that she actually stayed to hear me out and secondly, that she actually said yes. I thought it was all over and that never in a million years would she accept my request to spend the rest of her life with me. I liked the thought of that growing old with Grace. Nothing was as scary as it seemed before, my fretting about the future didn't seem to matter. I wondered if all along all I really needed was the confirmation that she wasn't going anywhere, I feared that she would leave but now I have the confidence to begin my life with Grace and nothing would get in my way any longer.

When I looked at Grace I couldn't help but glance down at her hand- to check if her ring was still there. Of course it always was but subconsciously I always needed to check. I looked down at my own hand, the forth finger away from my thumb. I pictured a white gold ring on it, a never ending circle with no beginning and no end, no breaks and no dents. Everything I had ever wanted beginning to come true, beginning to begin and I couldn't wait.

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