Chapter Forty-One

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Grace’s POV 

We booked a tour round a few wedding locations, going to places I never knew existed. Sometimes I knew exactly where we were going, after having been there multiple times during my childhood and other times it all seemed foreign, but then I guess that is exactly what this is.

They lady in charge of these receptions lead us to the second from last one, beaming as she let us admire it. She told us that this was her favourite place of them all and I could see why. 

It was outside but inclosed in the surrounding trees. There was a path, the one I would walk down and at the end stood a small gazebo-type-thing, an arch where me and Chester would stand. There was rows of chairs on adjacent sides to the path and the midday sun beamed down on the grass- the light reflecting majestically. 

It was hard to explain, there not being a word to describe the atmosphere. It was beautiful though, the calming breeze fitting perfectly with the elegant set-up. It felt like a wedding, a real one. It felt sophisticated yet almost scandalous; hidden away and I loved it.

I felt warm and protected here, as if this was our secret. I wanted to keep it our secret and as Chester ran up to me I knew he did too.

“Hey Grace?” He grinned, taking my hand loosely in his. “You know when I said that when I’d know what was the right place I would just be able to feel it- that I could tell this was the place I wanted to get married?” His smile grew as he stared out to the surroundings. 

“Yeah?” I asked, my excitment building as he carried on speaking. 

“Well…I think I know!” He did some weird feminine jump and I laughed at his excitement. It was adorable at how excited he was; thinking I was going to be the crazy one instead.

“I think I know too.” He kissed my hand as we began to walk up the aisle. He stopped me at the end and then sprinted to the top- where he would be waiting. 

“You can just imagine it can’t you?” He shouted down to me, indicating me to mimic the real day. I walked slowly down the aisle, my feet refusing to walk- my stomach was churning with nerves- this wasn’t even the real thing. 

“You can’t stare at me like that!” I laughed to Chester, tilting my head down as my cheeks flushed red; I could feel his eyes on me as I walked. 

“But you’re just so beautiful.” He sounded like a little boy when he said it, purposely trying to make his voice higher. I shook my head in denial, now steps away from him. 

“You can’t do that on the real day though, that’s not how it works.” I reached him, his smile reflecting onto me.  

“How does it work then?” He teased. 

“Well, for a start, when I reach you-you take my hand in yours.” I slowly placed my hand in his, his eyes looked at our intertwined fingers and then back to me. 

“What next?” He whispered, his voice so elegant yet husky; like he had just woke up.

“We say our vows- look at the pastor for this.” We took a synchronised turn, facing an imaginary man. 

“And then you turn back to me, the best man passing you the rings.” 

“Your brother.” I raised my eyebrows at him as he winked at me, a smile joining my face. 

“Okay then, my brother passes you the rings. And then you take my hand and as you recite the magic words you slowly slide the ring on my finger.” I said in a hushed voice.

 He didn’t have a ring but he pretended despite that, running his fingers up the sides of mine. I wanted to reach up to him and kiss him right there and then but I withheld my myself; we were doing this right. 

“And now you do the same?” Chester asked, his voice still only just above a whisper. 

“Yes.” I held Chester’s hand out; pretending this was the real thing. He inhaled sharply as I pretended to put a ring on him. 

“It’s beautiful!” He joked. 

“Shut up and marry me okay?” I laughed back, he stood up straight and then suddenly pulled me in by the waist. 

“This is my favourite part.” He smirked before my lips locked with his, a gentle but passionate explosion irrupting inside. 

It felt so right, it all felt as if it was meant to be. This was the place I would remember, where I would take my children and show them where mommy and daddy got married; this is the place where I marry Chester See.

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