And now seeing this girl here reminded her how innocent and naive she was. She lost both innocence and naivety in the due course of her aging but the former never came back.

She felt Haden's hot breath on her neck bringing her out of her thoughts. His hand slowly travelled from her spine to down below. Selene caught his hand before it reached her ass.

"Haden stop," She muttered trying to pull back from his lap again.

But he wouldn't let her be, "Shh.." He pulled her neck, shushing her and left hot kisses along her neck.

Anger was bubbling inside her and she pushed his head away from her neck. "I said, no!" She yelled with fury and successfully pulled away from his grip altogether.

She sat beside a now heavily breathing and furious Haden.

"Fine," He muttered and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Need to attend some calls. Call me when the client arrives," He said, avoiding her gaze and walked away.

Selene sighed and sat with her face in her palms. She looked up when she heard heels approaching her.

The blond bartender stood there with a tray holding the drinks.

"Umm.. You okay? Where's Haden?" The girl questioned with her sweet voice.

A small smile formed over Selene's lips unknowingly.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Gia," She answered meekly.

"Well, Gia. Why do you work here and whom do you work for?"

Gia looked slightly taken aback by her straight forward questions but soon regained composure and answered.

"I don't work for anyone, I joined here because it pays money and the people who come here give huge tips for some work," She mumbled the last two words shamefully.

"There's no reason to be ashamed of. World is a rough place and we do things that we are not proud of to survive. And you know what? That's alright." Selene gave her a smile and she smiled back in return.

"What do you want money for?" Selene questioned. She knew her question was baseless, everyone wants money but she wanted to know what reason compelled her to do this.

Gia smiled to herself before answering, "I wanted to move to LA and start my singing career."

"What about your family?"

"The only family I've got is my brother. We work our asses off to make ends meet, forget about moving to LA." Gia gave out a sardonic laugh.

Selene nodded and turned to the bag that they brought along, she took out two stacks of money and placed it on the table.

"I hope you put these in good use."

"I-I can't take that." Gia shook her head in shock.

"Why not? It's cleaner than the tips you get." She pushed the stacks towards her.

Gia crouched down to table level and touched the money tenderly. It was clear that she never saw that kind of money ever.

"I- why are you helping me?"

Selene thought for a minute and cast her eyes down, 'Because no one did for me back then.' She answered to herself.

"I-I don't know." She shrugged.

"How can I repay you?"

Selene smiled and gave a laugh, "Just quit the job and sing on with your god given voice."

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя